Gordon, Stanely 2016-07-11
performance test
907.6K hash / sec
cpu usage 35%
gpu usage 99%
66.06K hash / sec
cpu usage 100%
gpu usage 0%
100 input, 3: 56
10000 input, 4hr
100 input, 4:57
10000 input, 8hr
2075 hash / sec
cpu usage 35%
gpu usage 99%
20.8K hash / sec
cpu usage 100%
gpu usage 0%
1 hash, 24min
1 hash, 2:29
The dictionary used for the previous testing
contains 3160119 words
mostly readable vocabularies
not many random texts
mostly vocabulary + number
ex: gordon0, gordon1
or contains upper cases
3160119 -> 35831725 10x words
3160119 -> 101243280 30x words
time is hard to predict, depends on input
if the answer appears early in the dictionary, rest of the dictionary is ignored so it is faster
if the answer doesn't appear in the dictionary, the whole dictionary will be traversed so it is slower