State management in Angular with

observable store services

Jure Bajt,

full-stack engineer at Zemanta

Zemanta's dashboard

Hybrid Angular app (AngularJS + Angular).


AngularJS part stores some state in controllers and other in services (pub-sub pattern)​​.

No clear conventions set about state management


Hard to keep state consistent across all components and services

Main ideas of Redux

  • One source of truth (app state).
  • State is modified in a “pure” way via reducers.
  • Reducers are invoked by emitting events to them.
  • Interested entities are notified about state updates.

Redux is cool but ...

... it's not a silver bullet and it's complex.

Observable store pattern

  • main ideas from Redux
  • Angular's provider dependency injection
  • RxJS observables

Example app: Coffee elections

Abstract Store class

import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

export class Store<T> {
  private _state$: BehaviorSubject<T>;

  protected constructor (initialState: T) {
    this._state$ = new BehaviorSubject(initialState);

  get state$ (): Observable<T> {
    return this._state$.asObservable();

  get state (): T {
    return this._state$.getValue();

  setState (nextState: T): void {

Abstract Store class provides a unified interface for all store services in an app to extend.

Feature specific stores

export class CoffeeElectionStore extends Store<CoffeeElectionState> {
  constructor () {
    super(new CoffeeElectionState());

Angular injectable service:

export class CoffeeElectionState {
  candidates: {name: string, votes: number}[] = [];

State object type definition and initial values:

CoffeeElectionStore inherits the functionality to update its state and get the current state or an observable of state.

Add custom state modifying methods ("reducers")

export class CoffeeElectionStore extends Store<CoffeeElectionState> {
  constructor () {
    super(new CoffeeElectionState());

  addVote (candidate: {name: string, votes: number}): void {
      candidates: => {
        if (c === candidate) {
          return {...c, votes: c.votes + 1};
        return c;

  addCandidate (name: string): void {
      candidates: [...this.state.candidates, {name: name, votes: 0}]

Impossible to modify the state without notifying listeners about the change​.

Types of stores

  • global stores containing globally used state
  • component stores containing the state used by a single component

Split the app state into smaller chunks to make extending it with new features easier.

Global stores

  providers: [ExampleGlobalStore],
export class AppModule {

Listed in module's providers list to add a singleton provider to Angular's dependency injector:

Using a global store:

@Component({ ... })
export class ExampleComponent {
  constructor (private exampleGlobalStore: ExampleGlobalStore) {
    // ExampleComponent has access to global state via
    // exampleGlobalStore reference

Angular injects the same instance of a global store into every component/service depending on it!

Private components' stores

  providers: [ExampleComponentStore],
export class ExampleComponent {

Listed in component's providers list:

Using a private component store:

@Component({ ... })
export class ExampleComponent {
  constructor (private exampleComponentStore: ExampleComponentStore) {
    // ExampleComponent has access to private state via
    // exampleComponentStore reference

Private components' stores are not singletons!

Subscribing to state updates

@Component({ ... })
export class CoffeeElectionComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor (private store: CoffeeElectionStore) {}

  ngOnInit () {$.subscribe(state => {
      // Logic to execute on state update

Subscribing to updates on a subset of state:$
  .map(state => state.candidates)
  .subscribe(candidates => {
    // Logic to execute on state.candidates update

Clean-up the subscriptions before components are removed from the DOM! (

Async pipe

  <li *ngFor="let candidate of (store.state$ | async).candidates">
    <span>{{ }}</span>
    <span>Votes: {{ candidate.votes }}</span>
    <button (click)="store.addVote(candidate)">+</button>

Angular unsubscribes from subscriptions via async pipes automatically upon destroying the component.

Observable store pattern is based on a simple concept, but it provides an effective state management solution even in larger Angular applications without introducing additional complexity.

Thank you!

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