This Class
It Was a Lot of Work
We Covered a Lot
It Was My First Time
Things Will Get Harder
Next Steps
ICS 241
ICS 311
ICS 314
Other Areas
Theoretical Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering
It's Not the End
Keep Working At It
Find something that interests you
This industry moves too fast
Don't think that coursework will teach you everything
Find an Job/Internship
Lots of opportunities locally and on the mainland
Network with people in industry
Seek out opportunities at places that interest you
Good mentor(s) will help you in your career
Hard to find good ones though
Talk to people locally
Follow sites like Hacker News (
You have more free time than you think
Take every chance to do something that interests you
Don't be intimidated
Software Engineering Advice
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough
Software is about people
Don't be afraid to talk about your ideas with friends. Few people have the time and ability to capitalize
Seek out help
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