Technology in Evaluation

From the Flow Chart

Survey Monkey

I used Survey Monkey to create our surveys for our music video, website and digi-pak.


  • Easy  to learn how to use
  • Can copy questions to different surveys
  • Analyses results
  • Able to spot trends in answers
  • It is anonymous
  • Were able to embed our music video and pictures of our album cover


  • Can only use 10 questions otherwise we would have to pay to upgrade.

We could email the link or put it in a social media post


I used Padlet to create mind-maps for my blog


  • Cross media possibilities: can import photos, gifs and videos
  • Simple to use, just click anywhere to start a new note and drag existing notes around
  • Can embed my padlets in my blog or share them on social media


  • Limited in visual appearance can only move the notes around rather than seperate them out into different nodes like in Prezi


I used prezis to make my blog more visually engaging as it is an online presentation tool with increased creative possibilities.


  • Visually interesting and engaging
  • Can separate information out into different nodes
  • Cross media possibilities as can support images and YouTube videos (symbiotic relationship
  • Automatically saves your work
  • You can edit the path the prezi goes on


  • Does not support gifs                                               
  • Very time consuming


I used Tagul to make an interactive word cloud


  • Easy to learn how to use
  • Can chose a layout and colour scheme
  • Words enlarge when you hover over them with the mouse


  • There was a html issue when embedding it in my blog which was overcome


I used Slides as an alternate to prezi and padlet.


  •  Easy to learn how to use
  • Can be embedded in my blog
  • Cross media possibilities of images and text
  • Can copy a slide layout onto your next slide


  • More time-consuming than expected
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