What do devs need to succeed?

  • Tasks have the information we need to do them.
  • Each task is one thing; reduce scope creep.
  • What we're supposed to be doing in each task is clear:
    • the task's objective and "definition of done"
    • where the necessary assets or docs are
    • procedures and instructions related to the task
  • When we know what success looks like, it's easier to attain.

Project managers can help us when they can
see everyone's workload at a glance:

  • Who has too much to do
  • Who needs a challenge or easier work
  • Who is overworked or a high performer
  • Who is underworked or needs training

Using Asana to Our Benefit

New things happening with each task

A project manager will briefly checking tasks for the following:

  • A "user story" or objective (what do they want)
  • A clear set of instructions and supporting docs
  • A concise, actionable task title (e.g. Add MailChimp Signup to BC.com)

If the task is clearly missing these things, the project manager will try to collect these things before the task is assigned out.

When devs get a task:

  • Check for an objective/user story and clear instructions.
  • The task title should be a clear "tag point" or goal. It should sum up what the creator wants and should be 1 thing, observable, and 5 words or less. Action-oriented.
  • If the task is missing anything or if issues arise as you're working on a task, talk to your team leader or project manager. Don't tuck into a task that is missing what you need.

New custom fields devs should complete on each task:

  • New custom fields: Status, Story Points, Dev Name
  • Set the Status to reflect where it is in your priorities (In Progress, Up Next, etc.).
  • Add your name to the “Dev Name” custom field (because tasks are often reassigned).
  • Add Story Points to the task to reflect the level of complexity. (more on this in a bit)

As you start work on a task:

  • Switch the status to In-Progress. This will help PMs and team leaders know where projects are at.
  • Reminder: commit early and often, and start a new [WIP] pull request after your first commit.
  • As problems arise, work with the project manager and task creator before getting too deep into the task. It may need to go on hold if more information is needed.

As you finish a task:

  • Make sure what you've done reflects the action in the task title (Add Widget to BestColleges.com - we should be able to see and use the widget)
  • Reminder: get approvals from the task creator and anyone else involved (design team, publishers, etc.)
  • After the work is live and you have confirmed it:
    • Reassign the task back to the task creator
    • Change Status to Done
    • 🙌 Earn points!

Story Points

We're taking "story points" from Agile terminology and using them here to measure the complexity of a task. Story points aren't meant to measure time (like the Dev Effort Est custom field) but the workload or effort or how complicated a task is. In our case, we're using the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21).

By assigning Story Points to tasks, we're doing 2 things:

  • Getting a measure of what everyone is doing to make sure the workload is balanced (especially as tasks are assigned by project managers who may not know what all is involved in a task)
  • Formally recognizing team members for a job well done (completing lots of small tasks or 1 big task that stretched the Dev’s knowledge)

Story Points are assigned based on the task's complexity:

  • 1 Point - compliance tasks, content edit, font update, quick fixes, minor updates
  • 2-3 Points - add section to site, create a new component
  • 5 Points - research and test a new tool, write and implement a new process, solve a problem on the roadmap, lead a lunch n' learn
  • 8 points - large task development with subtasks, develop a new site

Earn Points!?!?! Whaaaaaaa???

We're going to be able to earn some extra stuff based on finishing tasks and collecting points. When we mark tasks as “Done”, the story points will be accumulated and we can earn stuff on both an individual and team level, like:

  • Hours off
  • Conferences, online classes, etc.
  • Special outings at meetups
  • Other???

Your Action Items:

  1. Add your name and story points to your tasks: be conservative when adding points and prepared to argue your case at our next meeting. We’ll run through a sampling of tasks to see how everyone is scoring them and to create a standard.
  2. If tasks don’t have these new custom fields, the add the task to the Publishing & Front-End Team Kanban project.
  3. Flip completed tasks to “Done” status and be sure to add your name (you can’t get points without both!)
  4. In 2 weeks, you’ll be asked some questions in a special Standuply about the process; be frank in your responses so this process works for everyone.
  5. Anyone who participates fully through the next 2 sprint cycles gets ______.


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