
Self Intro

  • Name: Gleb
  • Languages: JavaScript, Go
  • Galera: EPAM


  • IT Divisions
  • What you need to know about it
  • Preferable languages for each of them
  • Git flow and task

Game development

Preferable languages:

  • C++
  • Java
  • C#

Mobile Development

Preferable languages:

  • JavaScript
  • Swift (iOS only)
  • Java
  • C#

Back-end development

Preferable languages:

  • C#
  • Java
  • Go
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby


Preferable languages:

  • Python
  • any other language

Functional Testing (QA)

Preferable languages:

  • No languages needed
  • Really

Business Analyst (BA)

Preferable languages:

  • No languages needed
  • Really
  • Only English ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Data Science (Data Analyst, Data Engineer)

Preferable languages:

  • R
  • SAS
  • Python

Front-end development (my alma mater)

Preferable languages:

  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript? Nope, JavaScript

Why we need Git?

What is this

Cool. How to use it?

Install git bash

Basic flow


Download repository:
     git clone (paste copied link)
Upload your changes to remote:
    git add . (add all changes to commit)
    git commit -m "some commit message" (specify commit message)
    git push (send commit to remote repository)




You survived!

¿Any questions?

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