
How to succeed as a Full-stack JavaScript Engineer

Guillermo Rodas

Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies

Conference Organizer and Online Teacher




Why JavaScript?

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Why the Web?

Why Full-stack?

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How to succeed?

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Why the Web?

If you want to go fast, go alone if you want to go far, go together.

—African proverd

The Web is an Open Platform.

Why Java-Script?

JavaScript is one of the easiest

programming languages

to learn.


cmd + alt + i or right click, Inspect

The Web uses Java-Script.

JavaScript can be used in the

Server Side.



  • JavaScript
  • WebAssembly
  • PHP
  • JAVA
  • C++
  • C#
  • Node.js (JavaScript)
  • Deno (JavaScript, Typescript)
  • Python
  • Ruby

JavaScript*can be used in any place.

Desktop Apps with Electron

Atom, VS Code Editor, Slack, Discord.

Mobile Apps with React Native

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Skype.

Robotics & IOT with Johnny-Five

Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison.

Why Full-stack?

Generalist vs


You should start as a generalist and eventually move to become a specialist.


Back-end & DevOps.

Web Full-stack means:

You can be an specialist focusing in JavaScript and use it for the Front-end and the Back-end.




Learn how to Learn.

Learning How to Learn course in Coursera.

Technology runs fast, you must study all the time.

Join a Bootcamp.

At least 2 months Bootcamp, hopefully a 6 months one.

Roadmaps & Resources

Developer Roadmap

Web Skills

Front-end Developer Handbook

Grow your networking.

Join Conferences, meetups and study groups.

CSS Community Dev

Undefined Shell

A job is the best way to learn.

But always keep a side-project.

Your first job should be an Startup.

Your purpose is to learn about everything and grow as the company grows.

Your second job should be for your specialist skills.

It is your chance to get into a company to grow your skills.

Your third job can be anything that you want, dream big!

Find a mentor.

You can use your network to find one. The developer community is very open to help.

You can ask me for help.


Ques-tions ?


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