Neurocognitive Psychometrics of Individual Differences in
Working Memory Processes

​Kolloqium WS 23/24

Jan Göttmann


Neurocognitive Psychometrics of interindividual differences in working memory

  • Development of tasks which enable the estimation of the Memory Measurement Model (M3; Oberauer & Lewandowsky, 2019) and are suitable for EEG measurements
  • Mutual validation of model parameters of the M3 model and neurocognitive correlates of working memory processes


Memory Measurement Model
Implementation Ressource



Memoir Toolbox

  • Flexible toolbox of experiments tailored for the Memory Measurement Model (M3)
  • Features Verbal, Visual and Numerical domain
  • Customizable for different research enviroments (behavioral and electrophysiological)
  • Customizable for different samples (e.g. general population vs. student sample)
  • Extensive Tuning on several student samples 


Memoir Toolbox

  • Random vs. Sequential recall possible
  • 25 % filler trials with varying Set Size to discourage participants to predict the number of remaining Items
  • Different Cue Types possible (pre- & post-cue)
  • Different Set Sizes possible (3 to 6)
  • Planned: Different Recall Types (Continoues Reproduction of colors)

Experiment: Verbal Cued Complex Span Task


Target Item

Distractor Item

Secondary Task: Jugde color hue (more blueish or redish?)

200 ms

1200 ms

650 ms

200 ms

Fixation + for 1000 ms before each Cue onset

Experiment: Verbal Cued Complex Span Tasks
















The Memory Measurement Model (M3)

Memory Measurement Model (M3)

Measurement models for simple, complex, and updating working memory tasks.

Main Idea:

The probability of choosing the correct item from a set of retrieval candidates mainly depends on the strength of binding between the item and its context, such as its serial position.







A(correct) = b + a + c \\ A(otheritem) = b + a \\ A( = b + f \cdot (a + c) \\ A( = b + f \cdot a \\ A(not.presented.lure) = b.\\

Memory Measurement Model

Different M3 parameters contribute to this activation, which drives retrieval

  • The ability to form bindings of memory items to context information (c)
  • The ability to filter task irrelevant information like distractors (f)
  • The general feature activation of a memory item (a)

Experiment: Verbal Cued Complex Span Tasks

Current Study

  • Synchronized alpha-activity after cue-onset is related to the filter parameter f of the M3 model
  • Binding parameter c (or filter f) could be related to CRN (preparation of cognitive Ressources) or P300, or other ERP-components related to attention allocation and preparatory processes

Experiment: Verbal Cued Complex Span Tasks

Current Study

  • n = 36 (planned 60 subjects for visual and verbal domain)
  • 80 Trials (360 retrievals) for each Task (25 % Filler Trials)
  • Set Size 6 for Verbal Task, Set Size 4 for Visual Task
  • 2 x Sessions for Verbal and Visual Cued Complex Span Task with EEG - Recording
  • HMT (longform), Operation Span, and Posner Task
    as secondary measures

Experiment: Verbal Cued Complex Span Tasks

EEG Recording

  • 32 Electrodes 10 / 20 System
  • 1000 Hz Sampling Rate

EEG PreProcessing

  • automatic cleaning procedure
  • high-pass filter at 1 Hz; 30 Hz low-pass filter
  • noisy channel removal
  • (line noise removal)
  • re-reference to average reference
  • artefactual IC removal
  • interpolation of channels
  • epoching around cue onset (-200 – 2300 ms)
  • excluding trials (incorrect secondary repsonses, filler trials, EEG artifacts

Experiment: Verbal Cued Complex Span Tasks

Behavioral Results

  • \(\mu_{ACC-Verbal} = .73\)

  • \(\mu_{ACC-Visual} = .59\)

  • Strong relationship between HMT Score and percentage correct of r = .66

  • Strong Correlation of binding parameter c with HMT Score of r = .64

  • Strong Correlation of filter parameter f with HMT Score of r = -.56

Experiment: Verbal Cued Complex Span Tasks

ERP Results

  • Exploartive first analysis of ERP with different baselines:
    • Trial Baseline: 500 - 800 ms for first after initial fixation cross
    • Cue baseline: 200 ms before cue onset
    • 30 Hz low pass filter 
    • grand avarage ERPs 
    • (1 Hz high pass)

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Cue Baseline

Trial Baseline

Grand Avarage über P3, Pz & P4

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Grand Avarage over P3, Pz, P4

315 - 410 ms

1360 - 1660 ms

1670 - 2100 ms

d = - 1.24,

p  < .001

d = - .33

p  < .001

d = - .56

p  < .001

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Grand Avarage over Fz

d = - .51

p  < .001

508 - 765 ms

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Parameter Correlations


  • Filter parameter f is related to frontal CRN of Memory Cue Condition Activation,
    r = .38 p < .05 and to Distractor Cue Condition Activation r = .42 p < .05 !
  • No significant correlations of f with the effect (between conditions)
  • Binding strenght c is is related to frontal
    CRN of
    Memory Cue Condition Activation,
    r =  - .30 p = .08 and to Distractor Cue Condition Activation r = - .30 p = .07 !

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Parameter Correlations


  • Filter parameter f is related to frontal CRN of Memory Cue Condition Activation,
    r = .38 p < .05 and to Distractor Cue Condition Activation r = .42 p < .05 !
  • No significant correlations of f with the effect (between conditions)
  • Binding strenght c is is related to frontal CRN of Memory Cue Condition Activation,
    r =  - .30 p = .08 and to Distractor Cue Condition Activation r = - .30 p = .07 !

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Parameter Correlations

P300 (early)

  • General activiation parameter a is related to P300 time window effect,
    r = .31, p = .06 
  • No significant correlations of c and f for this time window

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Parameter Correlations

P300 (Late)

  • Binding strength parameter is realted to Memory Cue Condition Activation, r = - .28, p = .10
    and to Distractor Cue Condition Activation r = - .33  p < .05 !
  • No significant correlations for other parameters

Experiments: Cued Complex Span Tasks

Parameter Correlations

Late negativity

  • Filter parameter f is realted to Memory Cue Condition Activation,
    r = - .48, p < .05
    and to Distractor Cue Condition Activation r = - .41  p < .05 !
  • No significant correlations for other parameters



  • Welche Baseline wäre bei relativ langen Trials (12 Stimuli) für Zeitfrequenz-Analysen sinnvoll
  • Welche EKP-Komponenten wären interessant im Hinblick auf Cueing-Effekte
  • Unterschiede im EKP / Zeitfrequenzverlauf für veerschiedene Fehlerkategorien (Distraktorfehler, Transpositionerrors)

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