The Developer Landscape


  • JP the High school Geek
  • Denno the College Techie
  • Omosh the Comp guy in Uni
  • Kioks the StartUp dude after Campo
  • Robbin Njue, CTO


High School Geek

JP @High School

Learn for interest

Gaming/App development





College Techie

Denno @ College

Looking for a job

Doing a project at college

Has clients

Going to campus


Uni Comp Guy

Omosh @ University

Income generation

It's cool

He is experimenting

Has time

Course work/Projects

Needs skill recognition


The Startup

Kioko @Startup

Peer support

No Job


Critical Money objective

Short cut to riches

Robbins Njue


Robbins Njue @CTO

Its a job

Improve efficiency

Lower cost

lower downtime

Increased robustness

Faster job delivery

Generate new revenues

Offer competitive edge

Where's the Developer? #hangOut

JP from Highschool

  • Online
  • Attends Tech Fair
  • Exploring iHub
  • Clinics/Walkthrough

JPs Incentives

  • Freebies
  • Meet Heros
  • Fun Magnets

Denno From College

  • iHub
  • Online
  • Colleges
  • Interning
  • Side hustle

Dennos Incentives

  • Freebies
  • Jobs
  • Tech Talks
  • Internships
  • New innovations
  • Start up incubation

Omosh from University

  • iHub
  • Own place/Incubator
  • Online
  • Job
  • Internship
  • Side Kick

Omosh's Incentives

  • Start up support
  • Job
  • Work Space
  • Internship
  • Projects
  • New Ideas

Kioko from Startup

  • iHub
  • Online
  • Meeting clients
  • Meeting suppliers
  • Office

Kiokos Incentives

  • Sales
  • Revenues
  • Partnerships
  • New Skills

Robbins from Corporate

  • iHub
  • Online
  • Meeting clients
  • Meeting suppliers
  • Office
  • Tech Forums
  • Dev Conferences

Robbins Incentives

  • New revenue
  • Least work
  • Highest efficiency
  • Least downtime

Experiences to Create

JP High Schooler

  • Clinics/BootCamps
  • Simple Websites
  • Basic PHP
  • Send SMS

Denno Colleger

  • BootCamps
  • Web Apps
  • API's
  • End to End projects
  • Client Facing Apps

Omosh Sophomore

  • BootCamps
  • Hackathons
  • Android Apps
  • End to End projects
  • Client Facing Apps
  • Internship

Kioko Startup

  • BootCamps
  • Hackathons
  • Android Apps
  • End to End projects
  • Client Facing Apps
  • Incubator
  • Startup Talks

Robbin CTO

  • Hackathons
  • Tech Talk
  • New Tech Reviews
  • System Integrations
  • Forums
  • Exhibitions
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