June, 2016
Jack Doyle: Founder and Author of GSAP
Carl Schooff: Geek Ambassador
Support volunteers and community advocates
Innovating the GSAP API since 2006
GreenSock: MorphSVG
Chris Gannon: SVG Missile
Johan Strömqvist: Crab #5 – Bob's walking cycle
Plugins: css, bezier, attr, directionalRotation, etc.
Eases: Elastic, Bounce, Rough, Stepped, SlowMo, etc.
Learn more greensock.com/gsap
SWF format is dead in the browser (mobile & desktop)
Web needs a robust animation runtime
Craig Wheatley: Mazda
VolcanoFlash: World of Tanks
Oliver15Years: Nestea
It "just works"...everywhere!
Solves real-world problems (workflow, prefixing, SVG)
Excels at complex, story-telling animations
Runtime controls
No dependencies (other libs or rendering layer)
Plugin architecture
Support and documentation
Funded – not a side project or hobby