June, 2016
Jack Doyle: Founder and Author of GSAP
Carl Schooff: Geek Ambassador
Support volunteers and community advocates
Innovating the GSAP API since 2006
Brief overview of GSAP and its capabilities
Why GSAP is ideal for scripted animation in banners and all HTML5 projects
Explain basic tweens and timelines
Workflow tips
Hidden gems
A detailed tutorial on all GSAP features
A comprehensive overview of best practices for HTML5 banner production
GreenSock: MorphSVG
Chris Gannon: SVG Missile
Johan Strömqvist: Crab #5 – Bob's walking cycle
Plugins: css, bezier, attr, directionalRotation, etc.
Eases: Elastic, Bounce, Rough, Stepped, SlowMo, etc.
Learn more greensock.com/gsap
Basic TweenLite syntax
Simple sequences using delayed tweens
Timelines for flexibility and control
SWF format is dead in the browser (mobile & desktop)
Web needs a robust animation runtime
Craig Wheatley: Mazda
VolcanoFlash: World of Tanks
Oliver15Years: Nestea
Deconstructing an ad
Modular workflow
It "just works"...everywhere!
Solves real-world problems (workflow, prefixing, SVG)
Excels at complex, story-telling animations
Runtime controls
No dependencies (other libs or rendering layer)
Plugin architecture
Support and documentation
Funded – not a side project or hobby