Production pipeline

  • issues of different sizes
  • priorities not clear
  • branches / MRs might become stale


  • Every person pulls a new issue once they are ready
  • Priority items are being worked on quicker
  • Issues move through the factory quicker



Issues that are identified but do not have priority right now

To do

Current work, should not become stale


Issues that are ready to be worked on

Role of the organizer

  • Keep the To Do queue full and identify issues that have priority
  • Does individual issue reviews
  • Make sure that MRs do not become stale
  • Make sure that issues on the board are where they are in reality (being worked on, tech debt)
  • Remind people of the process
  • Can rotate every other week!

Everyone's role

  • Check the issue board regularly
  • Check if someone assigned a MR to you that needs to be reviewed
  • In your own time, pull issues when you're ready
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