Interview: Algorithms Researcher

  • about to complete PhD in neuromorphic enginering
  • experience in recent and potentially interesting future developments in the field
  • familiar with taking orthogonal approaches due to the nature of events
  • worked on Loihi for the past 1.5 years
  • authored several software packages

Lenz et al. 2020

Lenz et al. in preparation

Maro & Lenz  2019


  • online learning only? graph search, CO, RL, VSA, control...
  • collaborations possible?
  • Lava co-development
  • how close to biology is desirable?
  • scale: does it make sense to start bigger

Lenz et al. 2020

Lenz et al. in preparation

Maro & Lenz  2019


  • robust approach to feature learning are disentangled causal factors
  • modularized (shallow?) knowledge representations
  • interaction to guide compartmentalisation of knowledge
  • hierarchies of representations, world primitives vs. higher level features

Lenz et al. 2020

Lenz et al. in preparation

Maro & Lenz  2019

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