Neuromorphic Systems for Mobile Computing

Gregor Lenz

My background

  • Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering in Vienna, Austria

  • 2.5 years working in a tech start-up, IT consultancy, Imperial College London, Prophesee

  • About to finish PhD in neuromorphic engineering in Paris, France

Neuromorphic System

1. Sensor

2. Algorithm

3. Hardware

Goal: low power system for mobile devices

Advantage: temporal and spatial sparsity

1. Connecting a Neuromorphic Camera to a Mobile Device

Event-based Visual Recognition on Mobile Phone

  • Motivation: assist elderly and visually impaired people with hand gestures and voice commands
  • Prototype that connects a small
    event camera
  • Event-based always on
  • integrates different modalities
    (gestures / speech)
  • displays event camera output
    in real time
  • detects 6 different gestures: 4
    directions, home, select

Event-based Visual Recognition on Mobile Phone

Maro, Lenz, Reeves and Benosman, Event-based Visual Gesture Recognition with Background Suppression running on a smart-phone, 14th ICAG 2019. Best demo award.

Event-based Visual Recognition on Mobile Phone

Maro, Lenz, Reeves and Benosman, Event-based Visual Gesture Recognition with Background Suppression running on a smart-phone, 14th ICAG 2019. Best demo award.

Event-based Visual Recognition on Mobile Phone

Maro, Lenz, Reeves and Benosman, Event-based Visual Gesture Recognition with Background Suppression running on a smart-phone, 14th ICAG 2019. Best demo award.

Extended Mobile Phone Android framework

  • Extended framework for other visual tasks: event-based flow, image reconstruction
  • variable frame rates save power when
    no new input
  • grey-level images allow downstream
    classical computer vision pipelines

2. Efficient neuromorphic algorithm for camera data

Event-based Face Detection Using the Dynamics of Eye Blinks

Lenz, Ieng and Benosman, Event-based Face Detection and Tracking Using the Dynamics of Eye Blinks, Frontiers of Neuroscience 2020.

  • tracking with μs precision and in difficult light situations
  • lower power than gold standard methods
  • robust to multiple faces and partial occlusions

Event-based Face Detection Using the Dynamics of Eye Blinks

Lenz, Ieng and Benosman, Event-based Face Detection and Tracking Using the Dynamics of Eye Blinks, Frontiers of Neuroscience 2020.

Event-based Face Detection Using the Dynamics of Eye Blinks

Lenz, Ieng and Benosman, Event-based Face Detection and Tracking Using the Dynamics of Eye Blinks, Frontiers of Neuroscience 2020.

Event-based Face Detection Using the Dynamics of Eye Blinks

3. Neural computation on neuromorphic hardware

Neural Encoding Schemes

  • Many spiking neural
    networks use rate coding
  • Temporal encoding exists:
    Time To First Spike (TTFS)
    fairly inaccurate
  • We use alternative
    encoding scheme based
    on inter spike intervals (ISI)

Spike Time Computation Kernel (STICK)

  • Values are encoded in Inter Spike Intervals
  • 4 different synapses provide 3 different current accumulation methods

Lagorce & Benosman, 2015

Spike Time Computation Kernel (STICK)

  • Mathematical operations are cast into handcrafted spiking neural networks
  • Networks for value storage, linear, nonlinear and differential computation

Lagorce & Benosman, 2015

Logarithm network

Neural Computation on Loihi

  • Composable networks for general purpose computing using artificial neurons

Neural Computation on Loihi

  • More efficient when calculating dynamic systems in comparison to population-coded framework on same hardware

Neural Computation on Loihi

  • Conversion of networks trained on GPUs for efficient inference on Loihi

Neural Computation on Loihi

  • Our method uses one spike per neuron at similar classification accuracy, which is significantly less than any rate-coded method


  • Event cameras are suitable for sporadic, sparse signals, but need tight integration
  • Mobile devices can already benefit from low-power event-by-event approaches or even variable frame rates, but could do so even more using spiking neural networks
  • Temporal coding on neuromorphic hardware looks promising, opens up possibility for spiking computer
  • ANN/SNN conversion using temporal coding has low EDP for low batch size

Why am I the right candidate?

  • about to complete PhD in neuromorphic enginering
  • familiar with taking orthogonal approaches due to the nature of events
  • worked on Loihi for the past 1.5 years
  • authored several software packages
  • like writing software that is easy to use

Topics to explore

  • Temporal augmentation: can we make algorithms more robust by changing timings, maybe even learn representations in an unsupervised manner
  • Online learning: continual model updates
  • biologically plausible learning rules

picture adapted from Lillicrap et al. 2020


  • Event cameras are suitable for sporadic, sparse signals, but need tight integration
  • Mobile devices can benefit from low-power event-by-event approaches or even variable frame rates
  • ideally makes use of spiking hardware

20 Watt for 6 years:

1 MWh

Can We Learn From the Brain?

1 GWh

Mobile Computing

  • limited power capacity
  • growing demands of functionality
  • need for efficient computing

How does it scale?

  • limited power capacity:
    ~5% battery improvement / year
  • need for efficient computing: more transistors / area
  • growing demands of functionality: cloud computing

==> scales badly!

Can we learn from the brain?

  • computes extremely efficiently (20 W)
  • completely different mechanisms of computation
  • copy it by recreating the basic components

Neuromorphic Engineering

  • Artificial neurons
  • Computing with spikes
  • Asynchronous communication

Summary of contributions

  • 1 journal article published
  • 1 paper under submission

  • 1 paper in preparation

  • 110 page thesis manuscript draft

Other contributions:

Maro, Lenz, Reeves and Benosman, Event-based Visual Gesture Recognition with Background Suppression running on a smart-phone, 14th ICAG 2019.

Haessig, Lesta, Lenz, Benosman and Dudek, A Mixed-Signal Spatio-Temporal Signal Classifier for On-Sensor Spike Sorting, ISCAS 2020.

Oubari, Exarchakis, Lenz, Benosman and Ieng, Computationally efficient learning on very large event-based datasets, to be submitted 2020

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