- Succeed at least 3 out of the 5 missions.
- Figure out who the Evil players are so you can keep them off the quest teams
- Merlin must keep himself hidden from the evil team
- Fail at least 3 out of the 5 missions
- Stay hidden from the Good team
- If you can't fail 3 missions, figure out who Merlin is and assassinate him at the end of the game
- Revelation of Roles
- Quest Phase
- Leader chooses a team
- All players vote to approve team
- If approved, team members secretly succeed or fail
- After quests 2, 3, & 4, Lady of the Lake is used
- Merlin's Potential Assassination (if Good wins 3 quests)
- 5 Players - 2 Minions of Mordred
- 6 Players - 2 Minions of Mordred
- 7 Players - 3 Minions of Mordred
- 8 Players - 3 Minions of Mordred
- 9 Players - 3 Minions of Mordred
- 10 Players - 4 Minions of Mordred
- Merlin - King of Spades
- Knows who the Minions of Mordred are
- Percival - Jack of Spades
- Knows Merlin and Morgana, but not which is which
- Loyal Servants of Arthur - 2 through 5 of Spades
- Morgana - Queen of Hearts
- Appears as Merlin to Percival
- Mordred - Jack of Hearts
- Does not appear to Merlin
- Assassin - Ace of Hearts
- Gets the chance to win by killing Merlin if he loses
- Oberon - Joker
- Knows nothing about Evil team
- 5 Players - 2, 3, 2, 3, 3
- 6 Players - 2, 3, 4, 3, 4
- 7 Players - 2, 3, 3, 4*, 4
- 8 Players - 3, 4, 4, 5*, 5
- 9 Players - 3, 4, 4, 5*, 5
- 10 Players - 3, 4, 4, 5*, 5
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