A framework for creating ambitious web applications

Created by @PedroCheckos for @BitTitan

Heads Up!

Ember is an open-source client-side JavaScript web application framework based on the MVC software architectural pattern.

It allows developers to create scalable single-page applications (SPA) by incorporating common idioms and best practices into a framework.

Why using SPA frameworks?

(great question, thanks for asking!)

1. It's lightweight!

Let's your server CTFO while the clients are working...

2. Decoupling

No more aspx.cs doing data retrievals + state management + page rendering + SMTP mailer + coffee ...

Such as...

// Button visibility
this.ButtonBack.Visible = (this.CurrentMode == PageMode.List) && (!isStandaloneDesktopDeployment);
this.ButtonNext.Visible = (this.CurrentMode == PageMode.List);
this.ButtonCancel.Visible = (this.CurrentMode != PageMode.List);
this.ButtonAddMailbox.Visible = (this.CurrentMode == PageMode.List);
this.HyperLinkBulkEdit.Visible = (this.CurrentMode == PageMode.List);
this.ButtonSave.Visible = (this.CurrentMode == PageMode.AddSingle) || (this.CurrentMode == PageMode.Edit);
this.LinkButtonDeleteAllUsers.Visible = (this.CurrentMode == PageMode.List) && hasUsers;

3. Better user experience

More native-app-like user experience, taking full advantage of CSS and JavaScript capabilities.

Client-side state, maintained during the whole life of the application.

What comes with Ember?

Free love, essentially.

Before Ember

Developers had to download and make work together a shit load of libraries to write their application (route, history, DOM, events, Ajax, storage, caching, ...).

Ember comes with...

A router

Translates a URL into a series of nested templates, each backed by a model. Ember automatically keeps the URL in the browser's address bar up-to-date.

App.Router.map(function() {
  this.route("projects", { path: "/projects" });
  this.route("mailboxes", { path: "/mailboxes" });

A store

Central repository (cache) of records in an application. All routes have access to this shared store; when they need to display or modify a record, they will ask the store for it.

App.MailboxRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    return this.store.find('mailbox', 1);

A templating system

Templates are written in the Handlebars templating language and describe the user interface. Each template is backed by a model, and the template automatically updates itself if the model changes.

{{input type="text" value=firstName}}

  {{#each photo in photos}}
    <li>{{#link-to 'photos.edit' photo}}{{photo.title}}{{/link-to}}</li>


A model is an object that stores persistent state. In many applications, models are loaded via an HTTP JSON API.

App.Project = DS.Model.extend({
    name: attr('string'),
    createdAt: attr('date')


A controller gets a model from a route. Then, it makes the bridge between the model and the view or template.

App.ProjectController = DS.ObjectController.extend({
  cannotSave: function () {
    return Ember.computed.empty('firstName') || Ember.computed.empty('lastName');
  }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
<button {{action "save"}} {{bind-attr disabled="cannotSave"}}>Save</button>

If we put things together

200 projects and counting

  • ember-data: data persistence library
  • ember-validations: client-side model validation
  • ember-auth: authentication framework
  • ember-i18n: internationalization
  • ember-qunit: unit tests
  • ember-sockets, ember-notify, ember-prerender, ...

The cherry on the cake:


Command line interface for Ember projects.

Who is behind it?

  • Core team of about 20 developers from several companies
  • 402 contributors submitted 7,250 commits
  • First commit on April 30, 2011
  • Ember data: 215 contributors / 2,440 commits

Commits on GitHub (1 year)

Most popular projects on GitHub

Rank Name Stars Forks
1 Bootstrap 71,596 26,754
2 Node.js 31,760 7,089
3 JQuery 31,692 7,276
9 Ruby on Rails 23,136 8,740
27 Linux 15,457 6,198
45 Ember.js 11,213 2,421

Demo Time!

OMG yay so excited...

The End

Glad you enjoyed.

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