Frontend Chapter
Our teams do so much more than just adding UI/UX to pages!
- SSR (are we full stack yet?)
- Automated Testing
- Content Servers
We want our teams to have a sense of unity and community, and to feel like they can reach out across the organization.
We all work on different products, so 100% alignment on tech isn't realistic, but we can help each other grow from our experiences and share best practices.
All of our product roadmaps have different trajectories, but if we can keep the tech arrow pointed in the same general direction, it can allow us to be more flexible in the future
Healthline Sites
Chronic Conditions
Powered By
A leading healthcare provider serving
NC and SC
Feel better about finding healthcare
Learn about, compare, and enroll in Medicare
in one stop
Health & Wellness centered social communities
Programs to help humans with challenging
health journeys
Shop health & wellness brands that you
Custom meal plans & meal planning processes