sealed abstract class Status(val code: Int)
object Status {
case object OK extends Status(0)
case object NG extends Status(1)
case object RESERVE extends Status(2)
case object NA extends Status(9)
val values = Vector(OK, NG, RESERVE, NA)
def withName(s: String): Option[Status] = values.find(_.toString()==s)
def withCode(c: Int): Option[Status] = values.find(_.code==c)
I have to use int numbers for DB records like '0','1','2'...
It's old technology.
We should use the name of enums like 'OK','NG'...
Which is the best practice for Scala Enum?
I was supposed to talk about the rank of search result
Result of google Japanese version is so nice.
object DNA {
// objectで定義するとsingletonになる
case object A extends DNA(0)
case object C extends DNA(1)
case object G extends DNA(2)
case object T extends DNA(3)
case object N extends DNA(4)
// DNAの文字列をすべて並べる。
val values = Array(A, C, G, T, N)
// 用途によって別の集合を定義することもできる
val exceptN = Array(A, C, G, T)
private val codeTable = Array(A, C, G, T, N, N, N, N)
def complement(code:Int) : DNA = codeTable((~code & 0x03) | (code & 0x04))
// sealedを付けると、DNAを拡張したクラスはこのファイル内でしか定義できない
// abstractを付けると、DNAを拡張したクラスはA, C, G, T, N以外にないことを保証できるので
// match文がexhaustive(すべてのケースを網羅)になる
sealed abstrat class DNA(val code:Int) {
// A, C, G, T, Nをcase objectとすると、クラス名を表示するtoStringが実装される
val name = toString
// DNAクラスには自由にメソッドを定義できる
def complement = DNA.complement(code)
Unusable example. I always need like 'withName()' method.
def complement(code:Int) : DNA = codeTable((~code & 0x03) | (code & 0x04))
There are so many comments, I couldn't understand smoothly.
They are acceptable, the problem is next.
// Attenderエンティティ
case class Attender(name: String, status: Attender.Status = Attender.Status.Maybe) {
def attend = copy(status = Attender.Status.Going)
def absent = copy(status = Attender.Status.NotGoing)
object Attender {
// 列挙型の定義はここ
sealed abstract class Status
object Status {
case object Going extends Status
case object NotGoing extends Status
case object Maybe extends Status
val attender = Attender("Hidehito Nozawa")
def withName(s: String): Option[Status] = values.find(_.toString()==s)
Everytime finding in loop is not fast.
But it is not smart writing HashMap cache for every enum making.
val cache = HashMap[String,Status]()
def withName(s:String) = cache.getOrElse(s, find(_))
private[this] find(s:String) = {
val r = values.find(_.toString()==s))
For need efficiency, write cache like this?
Mutable HashMap or make all in initializer?
※Scala doesn't have Map#computeIfAbsent
Which collection class I should use for enum values?