Panic's  & OOP Golang


  • What panic is ?

  • Avoid Panic
  • Try Catch
  • Try Catch Case
  • OOP Golang

What Panic Is ?

Panic is a built-in function that stops the ordinary flow of control and begins panicking

Example 1

Example 2

package main

import (

func Div(num, divisor int) int {
    return num/divisor

func main() {
    a := 10
    b := 0
package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age int

func GetName(p *Person) string {
    return p.Name

func main() {	 

Panic Result

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0xffffffff addr=0x0 pc=0xc64da]

goroutine 1 [running]:
	/tmp/sandbox914181347/main.go:18 +0x1a

Avoid Panic

  • Write an Overestimate Code
  • Use Recover

Write an Overestimate Code

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age int

func Div(p *Person, divisor int) int {
    if divisor == 0 {
        return 0
    return p.Age/divisor

func main() {
    p := &Person{}
    p = nil

Use Recover

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age int

func Div(p *Person, divisor int) int {
    return p.Age/divisor

func main() {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            fmt.Println("Recovered in f", r)
    p := &Person{}
    p = nil

Try Catch

Try Catch Taste on Golang 

package main

import (

type Block struct {
	Try     func()
	Catch   func(Exception)
	Finally func()

type Exception interface{}

func (b Block) Do() {
	if b.Finally != nil {
		defer b.Finally()
	if b.Catch != nil {
		defer func() {
			if r := recover(); r != nil {

func main () {
    res := 0
    Block {
        Try: func() {
            a := 0
            b := 1
            res = b/a    
        Catch: func(e Exception) {
        Finaly: func() {

Try Catch Case

  • When use other library ( import from someone git )
  • there is a Block in function that optional, but there is a risk that block make panic
  • There is unknown panic might happened when create a function 

OOP Golang

  • OOP like on Golang 

Class => Struct

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    name string

func (p Person) GetName() string {

func main() {
    p := Person{name:"hamdi"}


package main

import (

// public
func GetName() string {
    return "hamdi"

// private
func updateName(s *string) {
    s = "hamdi"

Abstrct ( struct ) ?

package main

import (

type Animal interface {
    Walk() int
    Talk() string

type Cow struct {
    Leg int
    Weight int

type Snake struct {
    Poison bool
    Tall int

func (c Cow) Walk() int {
    return 1

func (s Snake) Walk() int {
    return 3

func (s Snake) Talk() string {
    return "Tsah"

func (c Cow) Talk() string {
    return "Mooo"

func (c Cow) Run() int {
    return "10"

Return abstrct ( struct ) ?

package main

import (

type Animal interface {
    Walk() int
    Talk() string

type Cow struct {
    Leg int
    Weight int

type Snake struct {
    Poison bool
    Tall int

func GetAnimal(s string) Animal {
    if s == "mamal" {
        return Cow{}    
    return Snake{}

Inheritance ?

package main

import (

type Car struct {

func (c Car) GetMaxSpeed() int {
    return 120

func (c Car) GetWheels() int {
    return 4

type ContainerTruck struct {
    Type string

func (c ContainerTruck) GetWheels() {
    return 6

type SportCar struct {
    Type string

func (s SportCar) GetMaxSpeed() int {
    return 200
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