Bachelor Colloquium 

Hannah Ruppelt



Dr. Martin Rosema

Prof. dr. Kees Aarts


  • EU-Spitzenkandidaten

  • Democratic deficit

  • Research question

  • Hypotheses

  • Methodology and analysis

  • Findings

  • Implications for the 2019 European elections



Citizens' knowledge about the EU-Spitzenkandidaten for the 2014 European elections

Ska Keller

José Bové

Jean-Claude Juncker

Martin Schulz

Guy Verhofstadt

Alexis Tsipras

The EU's democratic deficit 

European Parliament

EU citizens

European Commission

European Council

Solution for the democratic deficit?Spitzenkandidaten procedure!

EU citizens

European Commission President 

European elections

European Parliament


not interested and not aware




Channels for political knowledge

Formal education

Political discussions

News consumption

Established media:

Newspapers, radio, TV


New media:


Internet presence of candidates in social media

To what extent did the usage of established and new media sources influence a voter’s political knowledge about the 2014 EU-Spitzenkandidaten?

Research question

  • News consumption via TV 

  • News consumption via newspapers

  • News consumption via Internet

  • Internet usage


Media consumption variable

about candidates

Data set



Methodology and analysis I

Can you identify the European party group or the national party of Juncker, Schulz and Verhofstadt?

Citizens' knowledge about the candidates

Which candidate belongs to which party? Percentage of respondents
know zero 74
know one 13
know two 9
know three 5


Spearman's Rho correlation


Methodology and analysis II

Spearman's rho correlation coefficient p-value direction / strength

Knowledge about the candidates
News consumption via TV ​.10 .00 + / weak
News consumption via newspapers .23 .00 + / moderate
News consumption via Internet .11 ​.00 + / weak
Internet use .10 .00 + / weak


The impact of age

Relationship between internet use and knowledge about the candidates

elderly people

young people

middle-aged people


The older you are, the stronger the effect internet use has on knowledge about the candidates.


What does my research show?

  • All relationships between media variables and knowledge about the candidates are significant and positive

  • Established media and new media both influenced citizens' knowledge

  • Reading newspapers showed strongest correlation

  • Internet less influential as assumed 

Implications for 2019 European elections

  • Spitzenkandidaten procedure has been established

  • Future news coverage will be less sceptical 

  • Spitzenkandidaten procedure can reduce democratic deficit (requires informed citizens)

  • More & better news coverage by all channels needed

  • More & better campaigning by parties/candidates needed

Thank you for your attention!

Do you have questions?


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