European Christian Political Movement


  • General information

  • History I-III

  • Structure

  • Board

  • Staff

  • Advisory Council

  • Members

  • Associates

  • Affiliates

  • Activities

General information

  • Brussels Office

  • ECPM Head Office: Amersfoort, The Netherlands

  • EU Budget: 241.807 € (2012)

"Only European political party that works 

explicitly from a Christian-social point of view"


History I

  • Conference "For a Christian Europe" 

  • Lakitelek, Hungary / November 30, 2002

  • Declaration, signed by more than 10 countries

Platform for Christian parties and organisations

History II

Adoption of first political vision

"Values for Europe”

8 political core values

Lakitelek, Hungary /​ September 12, 2003

"Values for Europe"

  1. God is the source of all authority
  2. Protection of life
  3. Protection of the weak
  4. Family as cornerstone of society
  5. Responsibility of every citizen for his/her neigbourhood
  6. Freedom of religion
  7. Recognition and respect for all nationalities and states
  8. Sustainability of economy and environment 

History III

  • Election of the first board (2005)

  • Officially registered as association (2005)

  • "A Christian-social contribution to    Europe" (2007)

  • "European Political Program" (2009)

  • Recognition by the European Parliament (2010)

  • Participation in first European Elections (2014)

European Elections 2014:

3 official MEPs, 2 inofficial MEPs

Sit with ECR group 


Who is who?

President: Peter Östman (Finland)

Vice-president:  George Rukhadze (Georgia)



Treasurer: Vladimir Plamadeala (Moldova)


Branislav Škripek (SK)

Stieneke van der Graaf (NL)

Endre Spaller (HU)

Benjamin Harnwell (UK)


Director for European Affairs and Policy Advising:

Leo van Doesburg (Belgium)

Relations and Communications management​:

Maria van Oost - Mitocaru (Romania)

General Director:

Guido van Beusekom

(The Netherlands)

Advisory Council

  • Independent organ

  • Long term perspective 

  • Advise on urgent matters

President: Heiner Studer (CH)
Vice-president: Wijbren Jongsma (NL)

Kris Vleugels (BE), Peeter Võsu (EE), Mareks Raups (LV), Marius Dugulescu (RO), Razvan Burleanu (RO), Volodymir Stretovych (UA) 



  • Bulgarian Christian Coalition (Bulgaria)
  • Christian Democratic Forum (Bulgaria)
  • H-rast (Croatia)
  • Estonian Christian Democrats (Estonia)
  • AUF-partei (Germany)
  • Party of Bible-faithful Christians (Germany)
  • Christian-Democratic Union (Latvia)
  • ChristianUnion (The Netherlands)
  • Reformed Political Party, SGP (The Netherlands)
  • Union of Bulgarians in the Banat (Romania)
  • Christian Peoples Alliance (United Kingdom)


  • Christian Democratic Union of Armenia (Armenia)
  • Christian Democratic Movement of Georgia (Georgia)
  • People's Party (Moldova)
  • Alliance of Romanians in Voivodina (Serbia)
  • Evangelical People's Party (Switzerland)
  • Christian Democratic Union of Ukraine (Ukraine)


Bas Belder (NL)

Beatrix von Storch (DE)

Peter van Dalen (NL)

Branislav Škripek (SK)

Arne Gericke (DE) 


  • Care for Europe (Belgium)
  • Amical Service (France)
  • Institute for ethics and values (Germany)
  • Associazione "Cercasi un Fine" (Italy)
  • Graceful Russia (Russia)
  • The Schuman Centre for European Studies (The Netherlands)
  • Jubilee Centre (United Kingdom)
  • Center for Public Justice (United States)​

28 official associates



  • Connecting Christian inspired think-tanks and NGOs
  • Fostering exchange of knowledge and experience
  • Giving advise on current policy issues and developments
  • Developing new approaches to current challenges
  • Supporting study projects

Christian Political Foundation for Europe

Established in 2011, official foundation of the ECPM

Established in 2004, independent youth organization of the ECPM

European Christian Political Youth Movement

Mission statement: 

“To build together on Christian politics in Europe by collaboration, exchange of experience and active participation.” 

What is the ECPM doing?


Board meetings: 16 February, 16 May, 26 August, 12 November 2013 
       every three months


General Assembly meetings: once a year


Involvement of the ECPM

Topic: Abortion

"The ECPM rejects all attempts to make abortion some form of ‘human right’"


Small party, but very influential


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