WebRTC for the rest of us

(Or more like WebRTC ... how does it, even?)

Hayden Braxton

This is me

So WebRTC ...

RTC = Real Time Communication

The goal of WebRTC

Low latency peer-to-peer video, audio, and data

But it's not just for browsers!

And it's not just for video chat!

It's not just for video 🤷‍♂️

So how does it work, actually?

ICE Candidate Exchange

Important Terms

Signaling Server

SDP - Session Description Protocol

STUN - Session Traversal Utilities for NAT

TURN - Traversal Using Relays around NAT

ICE - Interactivity Connection Establishment

ICE Candidate

DTLS - Datagram Transport Layer Security

(S)RTP - Real Time Protocol

RTCP - Real Time Control Protocol

For our STUN/TURN server ...

Open source, all things WebRTC in Go

Let's write some code!

Sample Code


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