
1.1 - Admin - Course Overview


Why should this course be important to you?

Relevance to your program

Assumed Knowledge

That you are at least a mediocre C programmer

  • Control structures
  • Data types
  • Abstraction
  • Testing


Software Development Lifecycle

Web & HTTP

Project Management & Teamwork



This course covers a broader breadth of knowledge than COMP1511, so learning about multiple topics throughout term is normal.


Item Weighting Notes
Class Mark 20% See course outline
Project 50% 3 milestones
Exam 30% No sympathy supps
  • Labs need to be submitted on the Monday the following week
  • Labs need to be demonstrated in your labs (on the next)

Teaching Strategies

  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Labs
  • Major Project
  • Help Sessions
  • Exam

Teaching Strategies | Lectures

  • 2 x 2 hours per week
  • Schedule listed here, showing live stream links to Youtube (to watch them live)
  • Slides for the lectures, and the recordings uploaded later, found on the course work page.

Teaching Strategies | Tutorials & Labs

  • Tutorial and lab schedule and meeting links/locations can be found here.
  • Tutorial and lab content can be found on the course work page.
  • Tutorials and labs contribute to your class mark (see course outline).

Teaching Strategies | Major Project

  • You will work from weeks 1-10 with a group of 4-5 on a major software project
  • This project will be discussed at the end of week 1
  • Major project information will be posted here.

Teaching Strategies | Help Sessions

  • Help sessions are online "drop-in" sessions where you or your group can get further assistance outside of class time.
  • Begin in week 2
  • Schedule listed here

Teaching Strategies | Exam

  • Final exam will tentatively be open book and online
  • Details about the final exam will be shared here closer toward the end of teaching term

Getting Help

  • Step 0: Your team
  • Step 1: EdStem forum
    • Look for answers before posting
    • You were invited ""
  • Step 3: Help Sessions
  • Step 4: Emailing Tutor / Assistant Tutor
  • Step 5: Lecturer


  • Any operating system is fine for this course.
  • Windows may require a bit of configuration for some items (but this is a lot easier now with Windows Subsystem for Linux)
  • You could do this course only on the CSE machines, so don't stress about your computer


  • The following systems are what you need to be comfortable using:
    • VLAB
    • Python
    • Web Browsers
    • Git (gitlab)
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