
5.1 - SDLC Testing - Continuous Integration


Continuous Integration

Continuous integration: Practice of automating the integration of code changes from multiple contributors into a single software project.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Key principles and processes:


  1. Write tests:
    1. Ideally tests for each story
    2. Broad tests: unit, integration, acceptance, UI tests
  2. Use code coverage checkers
  3. Merge and integrate code as often as possible
  4. Ensure the build always works (i.e. is "green")

How it works

  • Typically tests will be run by a "runner", which is an application that works with your version control software (git) to execute the tests. This is because tests can require quite resource intensive activities
    • Gitlab: No runners built in
    • Bitbucket: Runners built in

Broad Architecture

Repository 1

Repository 2

People's computers

People's computers

Gitlab Runner

CI: Readings

Continuous integration, gitlab

Gitlab, like many source control tools, has a way of doing continuous integration. An overview is here and a start guide is here.


There is quite a lot of variance and depth to this, so we will not cover it in any detail besides high level


A simple example can be found here.

Continuous integration, gitlab

Let's do a demo setting up CI with gitlab.

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