Henk Boelman | @hboelman
Azure Architect bij Ordina
twitter: @hboelman
github: https://github.com/hnky
linkedIn: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/henkboelman
blog: www.hnky.nl
From faces to feelings, allow your apps to understand images and video
Hear and speak to your users by filtering noise, identifying speakers, and understanding intent
Process text and learn how to recognize what users want
Tap into rich knowledge amassed from
the web, academia, or your own data
Access billions of web pages, images, videos, and news with the power of Bing APIs
From faces to feelings, allow your apps to understand images and video.
Distill actionable information from images
Detect, identify, analyze, organize, and tag faces in photos
Personalize experiences with emotion recognition
Computer Vision Api
Face Api
Emotions Api
"a man flying through the air while riding a skateboard"
"anger": 0.6506504, "contempt": 0.0159038156, "disgust": 0.2675257, "fear": 0.000070601156, "happiness": 0.0190101564, "neutral": 0.0373256877, "sadness": 0.009163826, "surprise": 0.0003498507
Process text and learn how to recognize what users want
Extract information from your text
Demo code