Extending trainings beyond NDSR

Heidi Kelly (heidowdi@indiana.edu)

Digital Preservation Librarian @ Indiana University

NDSR@Dumbarton Oaks 2013-2014

The NDSR program situates us as leaders in the national field.

Better Digipres training would mean a stronger commitment to preservation across the board.

So How can we use NDSR to create nextgen Digipres training?

Digital Preservation Training Program (UK)


  • Digital Preservation Experts
  • Administrators


  • Digital Libraries/Archives Professionals
  • Small, under-resourced institutional staff
  • MLIS students

Serving Our Designated Communities


  • Underprivileged students and practitioners

The models we need already exist, but how do we extend beyond NDSR and train-the-trainer?

the best Digital Preservation Resources currently

If the braintrust and resources are already there, what's missing?

initial suggestions for better training

online community

We need a space online to share out knowledge, resources, and most importantly to document use cases that can be packaged into practical, hands-on national training


Create learning objects and modules that can be mashed up and reused for other trainings

Hands-on experience

Digital Preservation n00bs need to test out new tools in a safe and supportive environment in order to get familiar with the actual work of the field. There should be a digital sandbox for tool testing and breaking.

Clearly organized content

The current training models address digital preservation differently; future training modules should be organized by model/use case to clarify audience and need.

Next steps

let's get practical.


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