A collection of keyed data items. Keys can be any type.
new Map() // creates the map
map.set(key, value) // stores the value against the key
map.get(key) // returns the value associated with the key
map.has(key) // true if the key exists, otherwise false
map.delete(key) // removes the value by the key
map.clear() // clears the map
map.size // returns the current element count
Keys are compared using ===, except NaN will equal NaN.
const map = new Map();
map.set('123', 'string keys are cool');
map.set(123, 'number keys are cooler');
map.set(true, 'too true!');
// A regular Object would convert keys to strings,
// so these two would not be different:
console.log(map.get('123')); // 'string keys are cool'
console.log(map.get(123)); // 'number keys are cooler'
console.log(map.size); // 3
const ariela = {name: 'Ariela'};
const takayoshi = {name: 'Takayoshi'};
const ages = new Map();
// Note that map methods return themselves, so you can chain
ages.set(ariela, 53)
.set(takayoshi, 30);
console.log(ages.get(ariela)); // 53
const map = new Map([
['name', 'Takayoshi'],
['age', 30]
const map = new Map(Object.entries({
name: 'Takayoshi',
age: 30
const menu = new Map([
['avo poached eggs', 13],
['grilled grapefruit', 6],
['coconut chia pot', 7]
for (let menuItem of menu.keys()) {
console.log(menuItem); // avo poached eggs, grilled...
for (let amount of menu.values()) {
console.log(amount); // 13, 6, 7
for (let entry of menu) { // Same as of menu.entries()
console.log(entry); // avo poached eggs,13...
menu.forEach((value, key, map) => {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`); // avo poached eggs: 13 etc
A collection of values where each value may occur only once.
new Set(iterable) // creates the set
set.add(value) // adds a value
set.delete(value) // removes value, returns true if value existed
set.has(value) // returns true if the value exists in the set
set.clear() // removes everything from the set
set.size // returns the current element count
const visits = new Set();
const ariela = {name: 'Ariela'};
const takayoshi = {name: 'Takayoshi'};
const lana = {name: 'Lana'};
// Visits, some users come multiple times
console.log(visits.size); // 3 - only unique values
for (let user of visits) {
console.log(user.name); // In order: Ariela, Takayoshi, Lana
const morningTea = new Set(['croissant', 'macaron', 'financier']);
for (let value of morningTea) {
// Note the weirdness here
morningTea.forEach((value, valueAgain, morningTea) => {
// Both print croissant, macaron, financier
let ariela = {name: 'Ariela'};
// The object can be accessed, ariela is the reference to it
// Let's overwrite the reference..
ariela = null;
// The object will be removed from memory
let takayoshi = {name: 'Takayoshi'};
const secrets = new Map();
secrets.set(takayoshi, 'Likes The Good Place');
takayoshi = null; // Overwrite the reference
// takayoshi is stored inside the map - we can
// still get it using secrets.keys()
A Map that does not prevent object removal from memory.
let lana = {name: 'Lana'};
const weakAgeMap = new WeakMap();
// Keys must be Objects
weakAgeMap.set(lana, 8);
lana = null; // Overwrite the reference
// There are no references except WeakMap, so the Lana object is
// removed both from the memory and from weakAgeMap automatically
WeakMap does not support methods keys(), values(), entries(), we can not iterate over it.
weakMap.set(key, value)
weakMap.delete(key, value)
A Set (of objects) that only exist while they are reachable elsewhere.
Like Set, it supports add, has and delete, but not size or keys(). You can't iterate over a WeakSet.
const messages = [
{text: 'How do you like your eggs?', from: 'Takayoshi'},
{text: 'Scrambled', from: 'Ariela'},
{text: 'Let\'s do brunch!', from: 'Lana'}
// Fill it with array elements (3 items)
const unreadSet = new WeakSet(messages);
// We can use unreadSet to see whether a message is unread
console.log(unreadSet.has(messages[1])); // true
// Remove it from the set after reading
unreadSet.delete(messages[1]); // true
// If we remove an item from our message list, the set is
// cleaned up automatically
// No need to clean unreadSet, it now has 2 items
// unfortunately, there's no method to get the exact count
// of items, so can't show it
The absence of iterations and inability to get all the current content seem inconvenient, but their main job is to be additional storage of data for objects which are stored / managed elsewhere.