Henry Charlesworth (H.Charlesworth@warwick.ac.uk)
DR@W Forum, Warwick, 2 May 2019
Could be useful in explaining/understanding
certain animal behaviours.
- "Empowerment" (Information theoretic approach)
- "Causal Entropic Forces" (A more physics-based approach)
[1] "Empowerment: A Universal Agent-Centric Measure of Control" - Klyubin et al. 2005
[2] "Causal Entropic Forces" - Wissner-Gross and Freer, 2013
Taken from: [1] Klyubin, A.S., Polani, D. and Nehaniv, C.L., 2005.
In European Conference on Artificial Life
"Causal entropy":
"Causal entropic force":
Case study:
"Intrinsically Motivated Collective Motion"
T. Vicsek et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1226 (1995).
Order Parameter:
Real starling data (Cavagna et al. 2010)
Data from model
correlation function:
velocity fluctuation
branch \(\alpha\)
For each initial move, \( \alpha \), define a weight as follows:
Can we do this without a full search of future
previous visual sensor input
current visual sensor input
hidden layers of neurons
output: predicted probability of action
non-linear activation function: f(Aw+b)
Making the swarm turn
Guiding the swarm to
follow a trajectory
Standard reinforcement learning paradigm: Markov decision processes
\(s_0, a_1, r_1, s_1, a_2, r_2, \dots\)
Learn a policy \(\pi(a | s) \) to maximise expected return:
Goal-conditioned RL: learn a policy conditioned on a goal g:
set diverse goals
Make sure you can actually
achieve the goal from each state