From lesshint
to stylelint
📈 Advantages
, more configurability
safer checks, e.g. for unknown props and duplicate selectors(!)
compatible with CSS, less, sass, inline styles and
more active and maintained project (6,700
vs. 115 stars on lesshint)
😍 How do I use it?
it's already in our buildchain (via gulp)!
you can (should) install a stylelint editor extension to receive errors/warnings in your editor, too
(and prettier?) can even
your code according to .stylelintrc, but the
VS Code extension
is currently broken 😢
🐌 Caveats
stylelint takes longer to run than lesshint (for now) 😢
prettier is sometimes clashing with stylelint for inline styles in JS (e.g. trailing semicolon)
🥁 Upcoming
more stable/helpful
formatting for the edge cases (CSS in JS and non-module CSS files)
even stricter configuration! I'll explore some more rules and configs that help us write safer and consistent CSS
increase speed?! (excludes, caching, webpack, …)
Happy CSSing!
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