currently showing 8 of 3,190,398,844 frameworks
you can use front-end best practices in Drupal?
From Phase2 The New Design Workflow Drupalcon LA 2015
Add an override template file
Add a hook_form_alter to adjust the markup of the submit button
Create new design component statically
Post new issue on Github
View mode for each variation
Override node--inherit--card.tpl
moving from prototype to node--article--teaser.tpl
Using view_mode_tab
template_node__inherit__image() alter variables for the following templates
template_node__inherit__image__left() alter variables for the following templates
inherit display settings from parent's view mode
Optionally override core and contrib CSS/JS files
Gives you a preview page of common Drupal elements
Gives you granular control over labels and field wrappers in your view