Silvia Puglisi: - @nopressure
My name is Silvia and I am a security/privacy researcher
I am a Ph.D. Candidate at UPC - Barcelona
I am currently working @
I am here to talk about cybersecurity in practical terms.
Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems.
A computer system can be anything from your watch to your bank account.
Personal data protection is actually personal safety.
In 2011, the amount of digital information created and replicated globally exceeded 1.8 zettabytes (1.8 trillion gigabytes) *.
* Library Briefing - Library of the European Parliament - 01/03/2012
What this attack demonstrates is that the economics of the IoT mean that it will remain insecure unless government steps in to fix the problem. This is a market failure that can't get fixed on its own.
Bruce Schneier
The internet activity of everyone in Britain will have to be stored for a year by service providers, under new surveillance law plans.
me @