Socrates UK

3 days of Open spaces

Technical talks

Hands-on pairing

Mob Programming

Collaborative thinking

3 evenings of socialising and fun

Being at Codurance

My journey to Craftsmanship

Working through the apprenticeship criteria :

-> Coding skills {TDD, Refactoring, SOLID, ...}

-> Engineering skills [CI, Security, Architecture, ..]

-> Soft skills <Agile, Facilitation, Mentoring, ...>


Being at Codurance

My journey to Craftsmanship

My daily routine :

-> Working on Katas

-> Reading books, watching videos

-> Writing blog posts

-> Studying cloud design patterns

-> Giving lightning talks


Reading List

  • Clean Code, Robert C Martin
  • TDD by Example, Kent Beck
  • Refactoring, Martin Fowler
  • Growing Object Oriented Software, Freeman & Pryce
  • The Clean Coder, R C Martin
  • Pragmatic Programmer, Andrew Hunt & David Thomas
  • ...
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