2019 PD2 Project 2

board game

You can choose one from these

  • Chess
  • Chinese chess
  • Shogi
  • Go + Gomoku


  • GUI (5%)
  • Board editor (5%)
  • Basic movement (10%)
  • Two special rules (10% + 10%)
  • Judge game result (10%)
  • Demo (50%), required
  • Bonus (up to 20%)

GUI (graphics user interface)

  • Make your program not just black window
  • We suggest you use Qt library
  • Contact TA if you want to use other library

Board editor

  • You should design some way to set game board
  • e.g. Set your board to this status

Basic movement

Special rules

  • You should finish two special rules for your game
    • Chess: promotion & castling 
    • Chinese chess: 拐腳 & 王不見王
    • Shogi: 打入 & 升變
    • Go + Gomoku: 打劫 & 活三警示


Chinese Chess

  • 王不見王
  • 拐腳
    • 馬 & 象


Go + Gomoku

  • 打劫
  • 活三警示
    • Show notify if someone reach "活三

Judge game result

  • You should judge when a move cause the end of game

  • You should show the winner


p.s. You can add resign button for GO


You must attend demo, or you will get 0 point in this project


We may ask you to:

  • Explain your code
  • Modify your code (change behavior/add some function)
  • Or something else...


You can get up to 20% bonus

  • Anything not in our requirement can be bonus
  • Please tell TA during demo


A chance to get 20% bonus

  • You can get max bonus if you make 2-player mode through network connection
    • Players can play with each other from different computer
    • You will have to explain your protocol (e.g. how you send movement information)
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