Using SVG with React


Working with SVG (Workflows)

Front End Activities

  • Model Component State
  • Create UI.
  • How does the state influences UI?
  • Iterate on UX based on feedback
    • Effects / Colors ...

SVG Activities

  • Creates asset (Sketch / Illustrator)
  • Optimize asset (Clean markup)
  • Iterate on asset based on feedback


SVG usage types

SVG Based UI

  • Fixed SVG, manipulate attributes ( E.g Maps )
  • One static SVG drives the experience
  • Creative UI's

Data Driven UI

  • Data Visualizations
  • Several records
  • Charts

Chart Component libraries

  • High level.
  • Abstract SVG handling.
  • Declarative.
  • No total control over result.

d3.js based visualizations

  • More control
  • Lots of utilities to create visualizations
  • Chained api
  • Mixed declarative/procedural style
    • Create React components to wrap d3 logic.

Data driven UI's. Example using d3


const moviesData = [
  { name: 'Vivian', moviesWatched: 2 },
  { name: 'Zoe', moviesWatched: 4 },
  { name: 'Diego', moviesWatched: 6 },
  { name: 'Joe', moviesWatched: 9 },

const App = () => (
  <div style={styles}>
    <h1> Custom visualization  </h1>
    <h2> Movies watched in 2017 </h2>
    <MoviesWatched data={moviesData} />

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

Data driven UI's. Example using d3


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import * as d3 from 'd3';

class MoviesWatchedChart extends Component {

  static props = {
    data: PropTypes.array.isRequired

  renderChart() {
    ... d3 code, setup scales.
    this.drawCircles(container, scale, colorScale);
    this.drawLabels(container, scale, colorScale);

  drawCircles(container, scale, colorScale) {
    ... d3 code

  drawLabels(container, scale) {
    ... d3 code
  componentDidMount() {

  componentDidUpdate() {

  render() {
    return <svg width="100%" viewBox="-350 -350 1000 680"></svg>

export default MoviesWatchedChart;

Wrapping d3 in a React Component


renderChart() {
    //Create scales to map from domain values to both pixels and colors
    var scale = d3.scaleLinear()
      .domain([0, 10])
      .range([0, 350])

    var colorScale = d3.scaleQuantize()
      .domain([1, 10])
      .range(['#bf5d39', '#934acc','#668e43'])

    var container ='svg')
      .enter() //virtual set of new items

    this.drawCircle(container, scale, colorScale);
    this.drawLabel(container, scale, colorScale);

d3 basics for data driven svg:

  • Scale utilities: Map domain data to pixels, colors.
  • Bind data to virtual selectors ( enter, exit ).
  • set attributes on SVG elements.

Feels like jQuery ( in a good way. Very convenient, lots of examples )


SVG based layout

Convert svg to jsx

Copy the SVG Code, paste it and adjust it (class -> className, etc.)

+ Declarative style - Can't iterate on SVG file.
- Re-adjust every time the file is modified
+ One way data flow - JSX gets complex

Tools like svg-to-react-cli help to transform a SVG file into a React Component. 

Inject SVG using library

+ Dynamically Load SVG - Non Declarative.
( Manipulation needs to be done manually )
+ Work on SVG file separately. - Can't use with libraries like react-move.
+ Clean JSX
import SVG  from 'react-inlinesvg';
    preload={<Loader />}
    onLoad={(src) => {

Load external SVG and manipulate it with react-samy-svg

import React from "react";
import { Samy, SvgProxy } from "react-samy-svg";

const Sample = () => (
    <Samy path="SVG_PATH_HERE">
      <SvgProxy selector=".country" fill="white" stroke="black" />
      <SvgProxy selector="#bg" fill="white" />
      <SvgProxy selector="#br" fill="red" />

export default Sample;

SVG preparation


Using React animation tools.

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