Modern Day Zaire

Antonina Contreras, Sabina Lirtsman, Ian Cano

Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo


  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Modern-day Zaire) is the third largest country in Africa.
  • It is located in central Africa.

 The Belgian Congo

  • In 1877- Henry Stanley explores the region for Belgium.

  • In 1908- The Belgian Congo is established.

  • King Leopold of Belgium enacted harsh discipline and violent colonization methods, including the mass murder of women. 


  • The Congolese win independence from the Belgian Empire in 1959-1960. 

  • Decolonization was the cause of this independence.

  • The Congolese started riots in 1959 and started to demand their autonomy.

  • Belgium, exhausted after World War II, could not resist and Lumumba took power in 1960.


  • Weeks after taking office, Lumumba was assassinated and was replaced by Mobutu Sese Seko. 

  • In 1971, Mobutu established a 30-year dictatorship.

  • The country was renamed Zaire.

  • Mobutu established his own religion, Mobutuism, and created his own currency.

Independence from mobutu

  • 1996- General Laurent Kabila and rebels attacked the Zairean army.

  • May 17, 1997- Kabila and his troops take the capital. Mobutu goes into exile.

  • 1997- Mobutu died from prostate cancer

  • 1997- Kabila took control of Zaire and reverted its name to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • The names of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have changed three times in the last century.
  • From 1908-1960, the country was the Belgian Congo.
  • From 1960-1971, the country was named the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • From 1971-1997, the country was named Zaire under the harsh dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko.
  • From 1997- present day, it was renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

Facts about the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • The official language is French.
  • Cassava, corn, and rice are staples of the Congo diet.
  • There are 198 airports , and only 26 of them are paved. (This shows the primitive nature of the Congo). 
  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo, in terms of size, is slightly smaller than one-fourth the size of the United States of America.
  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo functions under a semi-presidential republic and is currently headed by President Joseph Kabila and Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito.
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