Fundamentals of Javascript

August,2015 Github Workshop

Network: 88mph

Pass: livestream

Recommended Software:

Sublime 2 Text Editor

Chrome Browser

Fundamentals of Javascript


9:15am - 12:30pm : lecture + coding

12:30pm-1pm: lunch break

1pm - 3pm: lecture + coding

Fundamentals of Javascript

The aim of this workshop is familiarize you with the Javascript programming language and give you enough knowledge to start writing your own programs. You are expected to have a fairly good grasp on HTML/CSS already. We'll be touching on the following topics: Variables, Operators, Expressions, Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Arrays, Objects and Libraries. 

Fundamentals of Javascript

To follow along and do the exercises, go to:

and either fork/clone repo or download the .ZIP file. Open the entire directory in Sublime or whatever text editor you choose. Finally, open index.html (located in the top-level directory) in Chrome/Firefox.

Fundamentals of Javascript

This workshop is going to be intense - there is a TON of material, especially if this is your first real programming language. Get your coffee or your miraa or whatever you need to wake up and stay awake. It may seem like you don't have enough time to absorb it all - that's okay! You might not. But you will grasp some major concepts that will propel you as you continue to study Javascript. PLEASE ask questions if you need clarification. If you are more experienced, please help your neighbors who are not.


Fundamentals of Javascript

Let's Get Started!

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