security issues in web apps

the main issue

today security offers some of the main problems on the internet, be it of mobile apps, IoT, or web apps.

what are the main issues

  • injection (sql)
  • cross site scripting XSS
  • Cross site request forgery
  • insecure configuration storage
  • failure to restrict url access

What is sql injection

it is a technique used by malicious users to inject sql commands using sql statements into a database


They compromise web applications greatly



in ruby... 

@projects = Project.find(:all, :conditions => “name like #{params[:name]}”)


name = params[:name]
 @projects = Project.where(“name like ‘“ + name + “‘“);

are weak : name parameter is not escaped

a solution would be 

@projects = Project.where("name like ?", "%#{params[:name]}%")


how do you prevent this?

you should ensure that a user has the least privileges

develop an input validation scheme 

input should be authenticated against a set of defined rules for length, type and syntax 

what is cross site scripting?


how does it work

an attacker may send an email containing embedded malicious javascript the http request gets initiated on the victims browser once the user clicks on it where data is then sent to the vulnerable web app

malicious javascript is then executed in the context of the user's session


visualize a situation where a site accepts usernames that are displayed as profile names.

the web app does not sanitize the input and thus allows an attacker to enter scripts

once a user views the attackers profile page, the code automatically executes in the context of their sessions

malicious uses of XSS

  • Hijacking accounts (identity theft)
  • accessing a users web history and clipboard
  • controlling the browser remotely


  • Validation and sanitizing of input
  • encoding urls
  • Visit:
  • to learn more about your prevention 

What is Cross Site Request Forgery?

Key concepts

vulnerability lies in the web app not the user's browser and not the site hosting the CSRF 

requests are sent from a site which a user visits to a site where an attacker believes a user is validated against 

the browser is used as the medium, channel or tool for carrying out the request

what is exploited by an attacker?

the target web app carrying out user authentication

for csrf to be executed a user has to be logged in to the target site

csrf executes actions replicating a user logged into the system which they did not intend eg a bank example

prevention of csrf

using captcha text

in ruby ...

protect_from_forgery (in app controller)

command does the forgery protection 

what are the other issues

insecure configuration storage

what is this

this is the lack of encryption or hashing of user data when storing it

what is url access restriction

this is to prevent access to some pages through the url bar

can be easily prevented through encoding

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