five pillars of software engineering

  • architecture e.g OO
  • Convention and standards
  • version control
  • coordination e.g ag
  • Test driven development

tests provide?

  • documentation of code
  • catch future errors
  • long term time saving


tests are just a tool TDD is the process.


what do doctors/surgeons do?

what do engineers do?

process is?

  • difference between surgery and cutting people open
  • difference between engineering and tinkering
  • difference between software engineering and programming

what is tdd

  • decide what you want to build
  • decide what the code will do
  • write a test that will pass if the code is that thing
  • run the test see if it will fail
  • write the code
  • Run the code see if it will pass

what does it provide

  • document the design before building it
  • Proof that code implements the design
  • Encourages the design of testable code
  • Bullet Three

Tdd Good Practices

  • Never code first
  • the risk of writing complex untestable code
  • always write precise tests that only check for the expected results

Testable code is

  • Modular
  • Decoupled (independent)
  • limited scope (not doing too much in one place)

result is?

  • Better code in less time


  • you will do this for a while before you get better
  • intelligence is an asset (be smart about how you test)
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