Igal Steklov
SASS partials that do not output any code to the compiled CSS on their own.
Output file(s)
The file(s) that would be generated as on SASS compilation
// 3rd Party Dependencies
@import "compass";
// Modules
@import "modules/variables";
@import "modules/mixins";
// Bases
@import "partials/common";
@import "partials/icons";
@import "partials/layout";
@import "partials/skin";
// Components
@import "partials/buttons";
@import "partials/inputs";
@import "partials/errors";
@import "partials/loader";
Your job is to engineer app's look and feel, by transferring the sketch provided in the PSD to code.
// Sets width and height for an element.
// If only 1 arguments was provided use it as both width and height.
// @param $width - the width to be set
// @param $height - (optional, default: width's value) - the height to be set
@mixin dimensions($width, $height: $width) {
@include set-if-exists(width, $width);
@include set-if-exists(height, $height);
// Set postion and top/bottom/left/right values
// @param $pisition - value for css `position` property
// @param $top - value for css `top` property
// @param $right - value for css `right` property
// @param $bottom - value for css `bottom` property
// @param $left - value for css `left` property
@mixin position($position: nil, $top: nil, $right: nil, $bottom: nil, $left: nil) {
@include set-if-exists(position, $position);
@include set-if-exists(top, $top);
@include set-if-exists(bottom, $bottom);
@include set-if-exists(right, $right);
@include set-if-exists(left, $left);
// Reset property on first/last sides (first/last child).
// You will usually use this for cases where you gave to all children of an element some property (e.g margin)
// and you need to remove it for the first and last children.
// The mixin should be applied on the parent of the items.
// @param $property - the name of the css property to rest
// @param $value - (optional, default: 0) the value to reset to
// @param $is-vertical - (optional, default: false) change left/right to be top/bottom (e.g margin-left vs. margin-top)
// @param $extra-selector - (optional) an css selector to add to after first/last-child selector (e.g. &.first-child .some-other.selector)
@mixin reset-first-last-sides($property, $value: 0, $is-vertial: false, $extra-selector: "") {
$side-first: if($is-vertial, top, left);
$side-last: if($is-vertial, bottom, right);
&:first-child #{$extra-selector} {
#{$property}-#{$side-first}: $value;
&:last-child #{$extra-selector} {
#{$property}-#{$side-last}: $value;
// Sets a value for a property only if value exists.
// @param $property - the css property to be set
// @param $value - a values for the property to be set to
// @param $empty-value - (optional, default nil) definition for "empty value"
@mixin set-if-exists($property, $value, $empty-value: nil) {
@if ($value != $empty-value) {
#{$property}: $value;
// Sets default values for pseudo elements (:before and :after).
// @param $width - (optional, default: nil) width to be set
// @param $height - (optional, default: width value) height to be set
// @param $content - (optional, default: "") the content to be put inside the pseudo element
@mixin pseudo-element($width: nil, $height: $width, $content: "") {
@include dimensions($width, $height);
display: inline-block;
content: $content;
Do not use color's name in as your variable name;
Instead - use semantic names that describe the meaning of the color.
// Colors
$color-primary: black;
$color-primary-invert: #ffffff;
$color-secondary: #ebebeb;
$color-secondary-invert: #333333;
$color-tertiary: #646464;
$color-tertiary-invert: #ffffff;
$color-error: red;
// Tabs Component
$tabs-item-background: $color-tertiary;
$tabs-item-color: $color-tertiary-invert;
$tabs-item-background_active: $color-secondary;
$tabs-item-color_active: $color-secondary-invert;
$tabs-item-content-background: $color-secondary;
$tabs-item-content-color: $color-secondary-invert;
TPAs inherit site's colors on runtime.
Therefor, you should compile your CSS with placeholders and on runtime those placeholders will be replaced to the right color.
// Wix Colors
$wix-color-1: unquote("{{color-1}}");
$wix-color-2: unquote("{{color-2}}");
$wix-color-3: unquote("{{color-3}}");
/* .... */
$wix-color-24: unquote("{{color-24}}");
$wix-color-25: unquote("{{color-25}}");
// Colors
$color-primary: $wix-color-1;
$color-primary-invert: $wix-color-21;
$color-secondary: $wix-color-4;
$color-secondary-invert: $wix-color-10;
$color-tertiary: $wix-color-13;
$color-tertiary-invert: $wix-color-7;
$color-error: red;
* Similar solution for inherited fonts
.elem1 { background: lighten(black, 20%); }
.elem2 { background: darken(white, 20%); }
.elem1 { background: #333333; }
.elem2 { background: #cccccc; }
Igal Steklov