Youth Esports League

Saturday June 1st

What is the Youth Esports League?

Similar to other after school sports programs, like the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), the Youth Esports League is designed for all  students currently enrolled in 6th - 12th grade.

How Students can Sign Up

All currently enrolled students, from any and all schools, grades 1st  though 12, are eligible to sign up for the Youth Esports League at

During registration on EEZERS, simply select the team - school or non-profit that the student is apart of - and the student will automatically assigned to that roster.

If a student isn't already engaged with a local non-profit or school that is participating or the student is homeschooled, then the students can play as an individual team.

Student Registration is Free

All Youth Teams are created and associated with approved Team Managing Organizations.

Since some games played will be single-player v. single-player and some multi-player v. multi-player, the term "Youth Teams" is used for all types of game competition.

Individual Team names are defaulted to the player's EEZERS Username.

Multi-player teams are defaulted as Managing Organization name and game title.

There is no limit to how many students can compete from a certain school and organization, or how many games any individual student can compete.

Youth Teams are eligible to compete in all Youth Tournaments both online and live throughout the season.


How Youth Single Player Teams are Created

Registered Youth Teams also have the opportunity to host sanctioned tournaments throughout the season.Teams are open to charging for events as well as selling concessions for fundraising purposes when hosting events at their location.

All clubs are eligible for IGL event support but is not mandatory for hosting events. Prices are minimal and can range from $100-$300 per event depending on event size.

IGL Event support to include:

-Video Gaming Console and Monitor setups

-IGl Staff Support

- Live Broad Casting equipment & Support

-IGL Tournament Coordination support.

Youth Team Events

"Gaming for Charity "

Circuit points are awarded for every placement within each tournament and points accumulated for the individual students, and  school teams the student is representing.

After the final event of the season, NOLA Bowl, all points are added up.

Individual students and team prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each category.

The individual competitor will receive a $1,000 Scholarship awarded at the NOLA Bowl on December 15th. The top Youth team will receive a trophy along with a donation to there organization made by the IGL Foundation.

Prizes Points & Scholorships

Points per win-10

Points per loss- 2

Live Event Tournament

1st- 800


3rd- 200

Online Tournament

1st-500 points

2nd-250 points

3rd-100 points

New Orleans Bowl Tournament

1st-5,000 points


3rd- 1,000

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