“On Wizards

and State Machines” [EN]

Illarion Koperski



A wizard is a step-by-step process that allows users to input information in a prescribed order and in which subsequent steps may depend on information entered in previous ones.

— Raluca Budiu, Nielsen Norman Group

A state machine is a mathematical model of computation that can have different states, but fulfils only one of them at a given time.

— Krasimir Tsonev, creator of Stent

What didn't work for me

  • Route-based wizards
  • Redux-only implementation
  • History blocking or preventing the user from navigating away


Krasimir Tsonev. "The Rise Of The State Machines"

David Khourshid. "Reactive State Machines & Statecharts" 

Raluca Budiu. "Wizard Design Recommendations"


Stent, finite state machine library​

xstate, popular alternative to Stent

Reach Router's ServerLocation or React Router's StaticRouter

Bicycle Shop Demo

See you next month at WarsawJS

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