Rapid Web Development
Unit 5, Week 6
SSH, PagodaBox
No one ever taught me this and everywhere I've worked it was expected prerequisite knowledge.
SSH stands for "secure shell". SSH basically allows you to "tunnel" to a remote computer and have command-line access.
I've made an account for us. Open a terminal:
ssh wdim351user@direct.illepic.com
Password available in class.
Windows users: Putty.
SSH keys
SSH keys are files that sit on our local computers that uniquely identify us to remote computers. SSH keys allow us to connect without the use of passwords.
Check if keys exist at ~/.ssh/
Should see id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files if keys exist.
Let's post to G+ and reconnect without a password.
In-Class 5
Make a file on the shared class server named the following:
Put a little text in it, then verify that you can access it live via:
Setting up Pagodabox
Rapid deployment to the cloud using using four pieces of our tool chain:
- GitHub accounts
- SSH keys
- Git to pull/deploy
- Local virtualhosts for dev
Getting started with pagodabox
- Sign up for an account using GitHub authentication option
- Make a new app. Try the HTML5 boilerplate: https://pagodabox.com/cafe/noinput/html5-boilerplate
- Edit account: https://dashboard.pagodabox.com/account/edit, go to Add SSH key
- Go to app, "Show git clone url", clone to your XAMPP/MAMP htdocs directory
Make a local dev environment
Entry in /etc/hosts: pagoda-app.local.dev
- Entry in vhosts: pagoda-app.local.dev -> htdocs/pagoda-app-folder-figure-this-out
- Restart XAMPP/MAMP
Now, edit your app. Hello world!
git push
Test it live.
Move your code around
- Make an empty public GitHub repo for this project. NO README. Then:
git remote add github git@github.com:yourname/repo.git
git push -u github master
Look at your magic GitHub repo full of awesome work!
The workflow
- You can now edit and test locally by browsing to pagoda-app.local.dev
- You can deploy to a live, worldwide URL by pushing to PagodaBox
- You can collaborate and socially code by pushing to GitHub
Homework/Midterm 5a
Read George's replies. Each team will submit 500 words as a PagodaBox app with a plan based on George's responses. Discuss as a team. Include a revamp of ALL wireframes based on your plan. Indicate re-arranged content, navigation, calls to action, suggested technology changes. Add me (illepic) to that pagodabox project as a team member so that I have access.
Homework 5b
Read and digest: http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/12/12/an-introduction-to-object-oriented-css-oocss/
Bonus round if you're still awake:
Read the first 10 chapters here: http://smacss.com/book/