
Advanced C++ Programming

Week 10.2


(aka ~COMP6771())

COMP6771 in 60 Minutes or Less

a.k.a.: Revision

Week 01: C -> C++

  • C++ is a general-purpose programming language:
  • CPU-native types: int,  double, void*, etc.

  • Class-like types: struct, class, union
  • Functions: void foo(int, double*)
  • Opt-in immutability: const int i = 5
  • auto: auto it = std::vector<int>{}.begin();
  • Value-semantics and reference semantics: T/T&/T*
  • A rich standard library: vector, tuple, etc.
  • Modular code-sharing: #include<>
  • Separate compilation and linking

Week 02: STL

  • Standard Template Library (STL)
  • Containers, e.g.
    • std::vector
    • std::list
  • Algorithms, e.g.
    • std::copy()
    • std::transform
  • Iterators
    • ​Input, Output, RandomAccess
    • Glue between containers and algorithms

Week 03: Classes

  • Scope​
    • ​Functions, for, if, while, {}, namespace introduce scopes
    • ​Variables are accessible according to their scope
  • ​Object Lifetime
    • ​Lifetime starts when brought into scope
    • Lifetime ends when the scope ends
  • ​Classes are user-defined types that mirror primitives like int
    • ​Initialisation customisable through constructors
    • Clean-up customisable through destructor
  • ​​Internal entities of a class are members
    • ​Member functions
    • Data Members
    • Static member functions and static data members
    • API extensions through friendship

Week 04: Advanced Classes

  • Operator-Overloading
    • Provide user-defined meanings for operators in C++
    • Chained-operations very easy to read
    • Make classes "feel" like primitives
    • e.g. v1 + v2 == vec2d{v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y} is more natural than add(v1, v2)
    • ​​Full list of overloadable operators
  • ​Exceptions
    • ​Classes that represent unexpected runtime errors
    • Dedicated syntax: throw/try/catch 
    • Compiler-enforced stack-unwinding
    • Throw by value, catch by const& !!


Week 05: Resource Management

  • C++ manages resources through RAII:
    • Acquire resources (memory, locks, etc.) in the constructor
    • Release them through the destructor
    • Every resource owned by an RAII class
    • Prevents resource leaks (by exceptions, forgetfulness, etc.)
  • Ownership enforced through copy-control:
    • Able to prevent deep copies by deleting copy-constructor and copy-assign
    • Efficient transfer of ownership through move semantics
  • RAII-conforming Smart Pointers replace "owning" pointers:
    • std::unique_ptr<T>/T* for unique ownership/observeration
    • std::shared_ptr<T>/std::weak_ptr<T> for shared ownership
    • Automatically free dynamically-allocated objects

Week 07: Templates

  • Generic Programming through compile-time type paramerisation
  • Function, Class, Alias, Variable, and Variadic templates
  • Compiler synthesises function/class/typedef/variable definition from the template when required
    • Can be forced by explicit instantiation
  • Primary template customisable through specialisation, either:
    • Fully (explicit specialisation); or
    • Partially (partial specialisation, only for class templates)
  • Parameterisable by:
    • Types (e.g. template <typename T>
    • Non-type template parameters (e.g. template <int N>)
    • Template-template parameters (e.g. template <template <typename> typename Container>)

Week 08: TMP

  • Templates are "accidentally" Turing-complete i.e. they can be used to calculate anything
  • Type traits use templates to ask questions at compile-time:
    • Is T a pointer type (e.g. int*)?
    • What does T look like with const removed? (e.g. const int -> int)
    • Makes heavy use of struct templates and partial/explicit specialisation
    • Excessive use causes incredibly long compile-times and/or code bloat
  • Forwarding references (T&&) introduced in C++11:
    • auto type deduction and rvalue references binds to anything
    • Can be used to "forward" arguments from one function to another whilst preserving rvalue-ness or lvalue-ness
  • Modern C++ TMP moving away from abusing templates:
    • Constexpr-world: compile-time expressions e.g. if-constexpr
    • ​decltype: get the declared type of a variable at compile-time

Week 09: Dynamic Polymorphism

  • Classic OOP through Dynamic Polymorphism
    • Inheritance and derived classes
    • virtual methods
    • override, final, pure-virtual (abstract) methods
    • Early (at compile-time) binding vs. late (at runtime) binding
  • Implemented through vtables:
    • Table of function pointers to virtual methods
    • Compiler-generated
  • Can cast up and down type hierarchies with dynamic_cast
  • Important considerations:
    • Polymorphic classes must have virtual destructors!
    • Dynamic polymorphism only happens for T* and T&!
    • Copying/moving a derived class into a base class causes object slicing

Week 10: Advanced C++

(from guest lecture; not assessable)

  • Concepts
    • aka avoiding ->
  • Modules
  • Ranges
  • Coroutines

Week 11: Goodbye*

* Not yet (click right)

Final Exam


  • See the Week 10 Notice for in-depth information
  • Practical exam with two questions:
    • Q1 - STL, algorithms, dynamic polymorphism
    • Q2 - classes, templates, compile-time programming
  • Q1 targets:
    • Students aiming for a PS or a CR
    • Easier than Q2
  • Q2 targets:
    • Students aiming for a D or HD
    • Quite difficult but completable with everything taught in this course
  • Partial marks available for Q1 and Q2
  • Sample Exam released NOW!
    • No solutions will be released
    • Can ask questions about it on the forum

Goodbye 👋


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