
Advanced C++ Programming

Week 2.2

STL Iterators

  • Iterator is an abstract notion of a pointer
  • Iterators are types that abstract container data as a sequence of objects (i.e. linear)
  • Iterators will allow us to connect a wide range of containers with a wide range of algorithms via a common interface

STL: Iterators

  • a.begin(): abstractly "points" to the first element
  • a.end(): abstractly "points" to one past the last element
    • a.end() is not an invalid iterator value
  • If iter abstractly points to the k-th element, then:
    • *p is the object it abstractly points to
    • ++p abstractly points to the (k + 1)-st element

STL: Iterators

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

int main() {
  std::vector<std::string> names;
  for (auto iter = names.begin(); iter != names.end(); ++iter) {
    std::cout << *iter << "\n";
  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = names.begin(); iter != names.end(); ++iter) {
    std::cout << *iter << "\n";


Iterators, Constness, Reverse

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
  std::vector<int> ages;

  // type of iter would be std::vector<int>::iterator
  for (auto iter = ages.begin(); iter != ages.end(); ++iter) {
    (*iter)++; // OK

  // type of iter would be std::vector<int>::const_iterator
  for (auto iter = ages.cbegin(); iter != ages.cend(); ++iter) {
    //(*iter)++; // NOT OK

  // type of iter would be std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator
  for (auto iter = ages.rbegin(); iter != ages.rend(); ++iter) {
    std::cout << *iter << "\n"; // prints 20, 19, 18

  // Can also use crbegin and crend


Stream Iterators

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

int main() {
  std::ifstream in("");

  std::istream_iterator<int> end;
  std::cout << *begin++ << "\n"; // read the first int

  ++begin; // skip the 2nd int
  std::cout << *begin++ << "\n"; // read the third int
  while (begin != end) {
    std::cout << *begin++ << "\n"; // read and print the rest



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