
Advanced C++ Programming

Week 5.1

Resource Management

In this lecture


  • performance & control---> power vs great responsibility
  • C++ responsibility and leak?
  • automatic garbage collection to free heap?
  • ​While we have ignored heap resources (malloc/free) to date, they are a critical part of many libraries and we need to understand best practices around usage.


  • Resource can be very different
    • Memory allocation, files, mutex, MPI communicator
    • full control: create, manage and release:  challenge for complex task
    • manually ??
  • new/delete
  • copy and move semantics
  • destructors
  • lvalues and rvalues

Revision: Objects

  • What is an object in C++?

    • An object is a region of memory associated with a type

    • Unlike some other languages (Java), basic types such as int and bool are objects

  • For the most part, C++ objects are designed to be intuitive to use

  • What special things can we do with objects

    • Create

    • Destroy

    • Copy

    • Move

Long lifetimes

  • There are 3 ways you can try and make an object in C++ have a lifetime that outlives the scope it was defined it:
    • Returning it out of a function via copy (can have limitations)
    • Returning it out of a function via references (bad, see slide below)
    • Returning it out of a function as a heap resource (today's lecture)
//passing by reference with object 
// created on heap
const Point& multiply(const Point& p){
Point *point=new Point();
//... Do multiplication
return *point;
//This function returns a new object,
// not a reference to the object
const Point multiply(const Point& p){
Point point();
//... Do multiplication
return point;
//passing by reference with object
// created on stack
const Point& multiply(const Point& p){
Point point();
//... Do multiplication
return point;

Long lifetime with references

  • We need to be very careful when returning references.
  • The object must always outlive the reference.
  • This is undefined behaviour - if you're unlucky, the code might even work!
  • Moral of the story: Do not return references to variables local to the function returning.
  • For objects we create INSIDE a function, we're going to have to create heap memory and return that.
auto okay(int& i) -> int& {
  return i;

auto okay(int& i) -> int const& {
  return i;
auto not_okay(int i) -> int& {
  return i;

auto not_okay() -> int& {
  auto i = 0;
  return i;

New and delete

  • Objects are either stored on the stack or the heap

  • In general, most times you've been creating objects of a type it has been on the stack

  • We can create heap objects via new and free them via delete just like in C (malloc/free)

    • New and delete call the constructors/destructors of what they are creating

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
  int* a = new int{4};
  std::vector<int>* b = new std::vector<int>{1,2,3};
  std::cout << *a << "\n";
  std::cout << (*b)[0] << "\n";
  delete a;
  delete b;
  return 0;


New and delete

  • Why do we need heap resources?

    • Heap object outlives the scope it was created in

    • More useful in contexts where we need more explicit control of ongoing memory size (e.g. vector as a dynamically sized array)

    • Stack has limited space on it for storage, heap is much larger

    • No matter how much we try, it is very difficult  to free all dynamically allocated memory.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int* newInt(int i) {
  int* a = new int{i};
  return a;

int main() {
  int* myInt = newInt();
  std::cout << *a << "\n"; // a was defined in a scope that
                           // no longer exists
  delete a;
  return 0;


//No matter how much we try, it is very difficult 
//to free all dynamically allocated memory.
void SomeMethod()
  ClassA *a = new ClassA;
  SomeOtherMethod();      // iwhat if t can throw an exception
  delete a;

std::vector<int> - under the hood

Let's speculate about how a vector is implemented. It's going to have to manage some form of heap memory, so maybe it looks like this? Is anything wrong with this?

class my_vec {
  // Constructor
  my_vec(int size): data_{new int[size]}, size_{size}, capacity_{size} {}
  // Destructor
  ~my_vec() {};

  int* data_;
  int size_;
  int capacity_;


  • Called when the object goes out of scope
    • What might this be handy for?
    • Does not occur for reference objects
  • Implicitly noexcept
    • What would the consequences be if this were not the case
  • Why might destructors be handy?
    • Freeing pointers
    • Closing files
    • Unlocking mutexes (from multithreading)
    • Aborting database transactions

std::vector<int> - Destructors

  • What happens when vec_short goes out of scope?
    • Destructors are called on each member.
      • Destructing a pointer type does nothing
  • As it stands, this will result in a memory leak. How do we fix?
my_vec::~my_vec() {
  delete[] data_;
class my_vec {
  // Constructor
  my_vec(int size): data_{new int[size]}, size_{size}, capacity_{size} {}
  // Destructor
  ~my_vec() {};

  int* data_;
  int size_;
  int capacity_;

Rule of 5

When writing a class, if we can't default all of our operators (preferred), we should consider the "rule of 5"

  1. Destructor
  2. Copy constructor
  3. Copy assignment
  4. Move assignment
  5. Move constructor


  • The presence or absence of these 5 operations are critical in managing resources
  • Ownership (single vs shared) and delegation power 
  • We only think how long we need recourse and manipulate object accordingly 

std::vector<int> - under the hood

  • Though you should always consider it, you should rarely have to write it
    • If all data members have one of these defined, then the class should automatically define this for you
    • But this may not always be what you want
    • C++ follows the principle of "only pay for what you use"
      • Zeroing out the data for an int is extra work
      • Hence, moving an int actually just copies it
      • Same for other basic types
class my_vec {
  // Constructor
  my_vec(int size): data_{new int[size]}, size_{size}, capacity_{size} {}
  // Copy constructor
  my_vec(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Copy assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Move constructor
  my_vec(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;
  // Move assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;

  // Destructor
  ~my_vec() = default;

  int* data_;
  int size_;
  int capacity_;
// Call constructor.
auto vec_short = my_vec(2);
auto vec_long = my_vec(9);
// Doesn't do anything
auto& vec_ref = vec_long;
// Calls copy constructor.
auto vec_short2 = vec_short;
// Calls copy assignment.
vec_short2 = vec_long;
// Calls move constructor.
auto vec_long2 = std::move(vec_long);
// Calls move assignment
vec_long2 = std::move(vec_short);

std::vector<int> - Copy constructor

  • What does it mean to copy a my_vec?
  • What does the default synthesized copy constructor do?
    • It does a memberwise copy
  • What are the consequences?
    • Any modification to vec_short will also change vec_short2
    • We will perform a double free
  • How can we fix this?
class my_vec {
  // Constructor
  my_vec(int size):
    data_{new int[size]},
    capacity_{size} {}
  // Copy constructor
  my_vec(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Copy assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Move constructor
  my_vec(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;
  // Move assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;

  // Destructor
  ~my_vec() = default;

  int* data_;
  int size_;
  int capacity_;
auto vec_short = my_vec(2);
auto vec_short2 = vec_short;
my_vec::my_vec(my_vec const& orig): data_{new int[orig.size_]},
                                    capacity_{orig.size_} {
  std::copy(orig.data_, orig.data_ + orig.size_, data_);

std::vector<int> - Copy assignment

  • Assignment is the same as construction, except that there is already a constructed object in your destination
  • You need to clean up the destination first
  • The copy-and-swap idiom makes this trivial
class my_vec {
  // Constructor
  my_vec(int size):
    data_{new int[size]}, 
    capacity_{size} {}
  // Copy constructor
  my_vec(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Copy assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Move constructor
  my_vec(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;
  // Move assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;

  // Destructor
  ~my_vec() = default;

  int* data_;
  int size_;
  int capacity_;
auto vec_short = my_vec(2);
auto vec_long = my_vec(9);
vec_long = vec_short;
my_vec& my_vec::operator=(my_vec const& orig) {
  my_vec(orig).swap(*this); return *this;

void my_vec::swap(my_vec& other) {
  std::swap(data_, other.data_);
  std::swap(size_, other.size_);
  std::swap(capacity_, other.capacity_);

// Alternate implementation, may not be as performant.
my_vec& my_vec::operator=(my_vec const& orig) {
  my_vec copy = orig;
  std::swap(copy, *this);
  return *this;

lvalue vs rvalue

  • not really language features, properties of semantic
  • STL advocated value semantic -> leads to freq. copying:
  • Solution: rvalue copying-to take resources
  • lvalue: An expression that is an object reference
    • E.G. Variable name, subscript reference
    • Always has a defined address in memory
  • rvalue: Expression that is not an lvalue
    • E.G. Object literals, return results of functions
    • Generally has no storage associated with it
    • rvalues are temporary and short lived, while lvalues live a longer life since they exist as variables
int main() {
  int i = 5; // 5 is rvalue, i is lvalue
  int j = i; // j is lvalue, i is lvalue
  int k = 4 + i; // 4 + i produces rvalue then stored in lvalue k
  int k = i + j; //ok
  6=k; //error : error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
  int* y = &k; // lvalue=takes an lvalue argument and produces an rvalue
  int* y = &666; // error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
  setValue() = 3; //rvalue= // lvalue required as left operand of 
  \\assignment: setValue() returns an rvalue 
  SeetValue() = 3; //Ok setGlobal returns a referenc lvalue
int SeetValue()
    return 6;
int& setValue()
    return valuee;
std::vector<std::vector<int> vec1;
std::vector<int> vec2={1,2,3,4,5};
//rvalue reference avoid copying

C++11  std::cref // accept only lvalue reference

C++20 Rnages

auto rng=std::vector<int>{1,2,3} | std::view ..
.. ::filter([](int i){retrun 0==i%2;});

lvalue references

  • There are multiple types of references
    • Lvalue references look like T&
    • Lvalue references to const look like T const&
  • Once the lvalue reference goes out of scope, it may still be needed
int y = 10;
int& yref = y;
yref++;  //OK Ref must point to an existing object 

int& yref = 10; // ??

void f(my_vec& x); 

void f(int& x)

int main()
    f(10);  // Nope!
    int x = 10;
    const int& ref = 10; // you are allowed to bind a const lvalue to an rvalue
    ++ref;  // error: increment of read-only reference ‘ref
    int* p2 = &f(); // error, cannot take the address of an rvalue
const int& ref = 10;
// ... would translate to:
int __internal_unique_name = 10;
const int& ref = __internal_unique_name;

rvalue references

  • Rvalue references look like T&&
  • rvalue references extend the lifespan of the temporary object to which they are assigned.
  • Non-const rvalue references allow you to modify the rvalue.
  • An rvalue reference formal parameter means that the value was disposable from the caller of the function
    • If outer modified value, who would notice / care?
      • The caller (main) has promised that it won't be used anymore
    • If inner modified value, who would notice / care?
      • The caller (outer) has never made such a promise.
      • An rvalue reference parameter is an lvalue inside the function


// Declaring rvalue reference
int&& rref = 20;

void inner(std::string&& value) {
  value[0] = 'H';
  std::cout << value << '\n';

void outer(std::string&& value) {
  inner(value); // This fails? Why?
  std::cout << value << '\n';

int main() {
  outer("hello"); // This works fine.
  auto s = std::string("hello");
  inner(s); // This fails because s is an lvalue.
  // as l-value cannot be assigned to the r-value references
   int &&ref = a;


// Looks something like this.
T&& move(T& value) {
  return static_cast<T&&>(value);
  • Uses of rvalue references: 

    • They are used in working with the move constructor and move assignment.
    • cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘int&‘ to an rvalue of type ‘int’.
    • cannot bind rvalue references of type ‘int&&‘ to lvalue of type ‘int’.
  • A library function that converts an lvalue to an rvalue so that a "move constructor" (similar to copy constructor) can use it.
    • This says "I don't care about this anymore"
    • All this does is allow the compiler to use rvalue reference overloads
void inner(std::string&& value) {
  value[0] = 'H';
  std::cout << value << '\n';

void outer(std::string&& value) {
  // Value is now in a valid but unspecified state.
  // Although this isn't a compiler error, this is bad code.
  // Don't access variables that were moved from, except to reconstruct them.
  std::cout << value << '\n';

int main() {
  f1("hello"); // This works fine.
  auto s = std::string("hello");
  f2(s); // This fails because i is an lvalue.
void fun(X& x); // lvalue reference overload
void fun(X&& x); // rvalue reference overload

void fun(int& value){
void fun(const int& value){
std::cout<<"Constant lvalue";
void fun(int&& value){

int main(){
int value=5;
fun(static_cast<int &&>(value));

Moving objects

  • Always declare your moves as noexcept
    • Failing to do so can make your code slower
    • Consider: push_back in a vector
  • Unless otherwise specified, objects that have been moved from are in a valid but unspecified state
  • Moving is an optimisation on copying
    • The only difference is that when moving, the moved-from object is mutable
    • Not all types can take advantage of this
      • If moving an int, mutating the moved-from int is extra work
      • If moving a vector, mutating the moved-from vector potentially saves a lot of work
  • Moved from objects must be placed in a valid state
    • Moved-from containers usually contain the default-constructed value
    • Moved-from types that are cheap to copy are usually unmodified
    • Although this is the only requirement, individual types may add their own constraints
  • Compiler-generated move constructor / assignment performs memberwise moves

std::vector<int> - Move constructor

class my_vec {
  // Constructor
  my_vec(int size)
  : data_{new int[size]}
  , size_{size}
  , capacity_{size} {}
  // Copy constructor
  my_vec(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Copy assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Move constructor
  my_vec(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;
  // Move assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;

  // Destructor
  ~my_vec() = default;

  int* data_;
  int size_;
  int capacity_;
auto vec_short = my_vec(2);
auto vec_short2 = std::move(vec_short);
my_vec::my_vec(my_vec&& orig) noexcept
: data_{std::exchange(orig.data_, nullptr)}
, size_{std::exchange(orig.size_, 0)}
, capacity_{std::exchange(orig.capacity_, 0)} {}

Very similar to copy constructor, except we can use std::exchange instead.

std::vector<int> - Move assignment

Like the move constructor, but the destination is already constructed

class my_vec {
  // Constructor
  my_vec(int size): data_{new int[size]}, size_{size}, capacity_{size} {}
  // Copy constructor
  my_vec(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Copy assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec const&) = default;
  // Move constructor
  my_vec(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;
  // Move assignment
  my_vec& operator=(my_vec&&) noexcept = default;

  // Destructor
  ~my_vec() = default;

  int* data_;
  int size_;
  int capacity_;
auto vec_short = my_vec(2);
auto vec_long = my_vec(9);
vec_long = std::move(vec_short);
my_vec& my_vec::operator=(my_vec&& orig) noexcept {
  // The easiest way to write a move assignment is generally to do
  // memberwise swaps, then clean up the orig object.
  // Doing so may mean some redundant code, but it means you don't
  // need to deal with mixed state between objects.
  std::swap(data_, orig.data_);
  std::swap(size_, orig.size_);
  std::swap(capacity_, orig.capacity_);
  // The following line may or may not be nessecary, depending on
  // if you decide to add additional constraints to your moved-from object.
  delete[] orig.data_
  orig.data_ = nullptr;
  orig.size_ = 0;
  orig.capacity = 0;
  return *this;

Explicitly deleted copies and moves

  • We may not want a type to be copyable / moveable
  • If so, we can declare fn() = delete
class T {
  T(const T&) = delete;
  T(T&&) = delete;
  T& operator=(const T&) = delete;
  T& operator=(T&&) = delete;

Implicitly deleted copies and moves

  • Under certain conditions, the compiler will not generate copies and moves
  • The implicitly defined copy constructor calls the copy constructor member-wise
    • If one of its members doesn't have a copy constructor, the compiler can't generate one for you
    • Same applies for copy assignment, move constructor, and move assignment
  • Under certain conditions, the compiler will not automatically generate copy / move assignment / constructors
    • eg. If you have manually defined a destructor, the copy constructor isn't generated
  • If you define one of the rule of five, you should explictly delete, default, or define all five
    • If the default behaviour isn't sufficient for one of them, it likely isn't sufficient for others
    • Explicitly doing this tells the reader of your code that you have carefully considered this
    • This also means you don't need to remember all of the rules about "if I write X, then is Y generated"

RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)

In summary, today is really about emphasising RAII


  • Resource = heap object

  • A concept where we encapsulate resources inside objects

    • Acquire the resource in the constructor​
    • Release the resource in the destructor
    • eg. Memory, locks, files

    • resource is always released at a known point in the program, which you can control.

  • Every resource should be owned by either:

    • Another resource (eg. smart pointer, data member)

    • Named resource on the stack

    • A nameless temporary variable

Object lifetimes

To create safe object lifetimes in C++, we always attach the lifetime of one object to that of something else

  • Named objects:
    • A variable in a function is tied to its scope
    • A data member is tied to the lifetime of the class instance
    • An element in a std::vector is tied to the lifetime of the vector
  • Unnamed objects:
    • A heap object should be tied to the lifetime of whatever object created it
    • Examples of bad programming practice
      • An owning raw pointer is tied to nothing
      • A C-style array is tied to nothing
  • Strongly recommend watching the first 44 minutes of Herb Sutter's cppcon talk "Leak freedom in C++... By Default"
class widget {
    gadget g;   // lifetime automatically tied to enclosing object
    void draw();

void functionUsingWidget () {
    widget w;   // lifetime automatically tied to enclosing scope
                // constructs w, including the w.g gadget member
    // ...
    // ...
} // automatic destruction and deallocation for w and w.g
  // automatic exception safety,
  // as if "finally { w.dispose(); w.g.dispose(); }"
class widget
    int* data;
    widget(const int size) { data = new int[size]; } // acquire
    ~widget() { delete[] data; } // release
    void do_something() {}

void functionUsingWidget() {
    widget w(1000000);  // lifetime automatically tied to enclosing scope
                        // constructs w, including the member

} // automatic destruction and deallocation for w and
#include <memory>
class widget
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> data;
    widget(const int size) { data = std::make_unique<int[]>(size); }
    void do_something() {}

void functionUsingWidget() {
    widget w(1000000);  // lifetime automatically tied to enclosing scope
                        // constructs w, including the gadget member
    // ...
    // ...
} // automatic destruction and deallocation for w and
void SomeMethod()
  ClassA *a = new ClassA;
  SomeOtherMethod();      // it can throw an exception
  delete a;
void SomeMethod()
  std::auto_ptr<ClassA> a(new ClassA); // deprecated, please check the text
  SomeOtherMethod();      // it can throw an exception
//Using smart pointers for memory allocation, we may be eliminate the 
 // potential for memory leaks. 


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