Amendments of the Indian Constitution


Amendments of the Indian Constitution

Aadharsh Aadhithya                  -         CB.EN.U4AIE20001
Anirudh Edpuganti                     -         CB.EN.U4AIE20005

Madhav Kishor                            -         CB.EN.U4AIE20033

Onteddu Chaitanya Reddy        -         CB.EN.U4AIE20045
Pillalamarri Akshaya                   -         CB.EN.U4AIE20049




Constitution is a Living Document



Types of Majority


Types of Majority

Simple Majority

Absolute Majority

Special Majority


Types of Majority

Simple Majority

Absolute Majority

Special Majority

Present and Voting


Types of Majority

Simple Majority

Absolute Majority

Special Majority


Types of Majority

Simple Majority

Absolute Majority

Special Majority

> \frac{2}{3}

Present and Voting

Types of Amendments

Simple CAB

Based on Simple Majority

Types of Amendments

Moderate CAB

Based on Absolute and Special Majority  

Present and Voting

Types of Amendments

Rigid CAB

Moderate CAB + Consensus of State Legislatures  (>50%)

Amendment 69

Special Status

Power to Amend?

Power to Amend?

Art. 368

Gives Life to Constitution

Power to Amend?

Kesavananda Bharati Judgement

Power to Amend?


Full powers

Kesavananda Bharati Judgement

Power to Amend?


Full powers

Article 13

Kesavananda Bharati Judgement

Some Important Amendments

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 1

  • Special provision to SC's and ST's
  • Schedule 9 was introduced
  • These laws encroach upon property rights, freedom of speech etc.

18 June 1951

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 7

  • Reorganisation of states on linguistic basis
  • Abolition of Class A, B, C, D states
  • Introduction of Union Territories

1 Nov 1956

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 24

  • Parliament can amend the Constitution without intereferring in  Article 13

5 Nov 1971

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 38

  • Empowered the President to declare different proclamations of national emergency on different grounds simultaneously

1 Aug 1975

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 39

  • This amendment made the elections of President, Prime Minister, Vice President and the Speaker of Lok Sabha unjustifiable in the courts of law.

10 Aug 1975

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 42

  • "sovereign democratic republic" to a "sovereign, socialist secular democratic republic"

3 Jan 1977

1 Feb 1977

1 Apr 1977

  •  "unity of the nation" to "unity and integrity of the nation"

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 61

  • Reduce age for voting rights from 21 to 18

28 Mar 1989

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 73

  • Statutory provisions for Panchyat Raj as third level of administration in villages

24 Apr 1993

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 86

  • Provides Right to Education until the age of fourteen and Early childhood care until the age of six

12 Dec 2002

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 101

  • Introduced the Goods and Services Tax (GST)

1 July 2016

Some Important Amendments

Amendment - 104

  • To extend the reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and states assemblies from 70 to 80 years

25 Jan 2020

  • Removed the reserved seats for the Anglo-Indian community in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies



  • No involvement of States


  • No involvement of States
  • President has no role


  • No involvement of States
  • President has no role
  • No joint session can be called in deadlock condition


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