and beyond....
Aadharsh Aadhithya A
Amrita Vishwa VIdhyapeetham
Center for Computational Engineering and Networking
and beyond....
Why Deep Learning?? (Applications)
What Are Neural Networks??
What Are Neural Networks??
Models, That mimic Human Intelligence?
How to mimic?
But, Where Are Associations Stored??
MP Neuron
Learn mapping directly from input to output without the need for intermediate representations
Overcome cumbersome methods like feature extraction, multiple processing
Sigmoid Function
OOPs! 🤥
Wasn't the true output 1?
OOPs! 🤥
Wasn't the true output 1?
We Should Punish the Network , so
It Behaves Properly
OOPs! 🤥
Wasn't the true output 1?
We Should Punish the Network , so
It Behaves Properly
Binary Cross Entropy Loss
Judge?? Nah!, Classify 😎
The Gradient of the Loss Function dictates whether to increase or decrease the wights and bias of a neural network
The Gradient of the Loss Function dictates whether to increase or decrease the wights and bias of a neural network
"Gradient" points up the curve in the increasing direction , so we need to move int the opposite direction
Forward Pass
Forward Pass
Forward Pass
Forward Pass
Forward Pass
We can derive
To Be Computed
We can derive
To Be Computed
Here , We Can Resort To Using The Chain Rule .
How G changes with x?
Changing x changes h(x)
Changing h changes g
Follow The RED Path !
(Project report)
For Softmax output layer and Sigmoid Activation function
Source : Project Report , Group01.pdf
Source : Project Report , Group01.pdf
Source : Project Report , Group01.pdf
So , now , we have all the vectorized components to build our chain
Source : Project Report , Group01.pdf
Full Story
Source : Project Report , Group01.pdf
import numpy as np # import numpy library
from util.paramInitializer import initialize_parameters # import function to initialize weights and biases
class LinearLayer:
This Class implements all functions to be executed by a linear layer
in a computational graph
input_shape: input shape of Data/Activations
n_out: number of neurons in layer
ini_type: initialization type for weight parameters, default is "plain"
Opitons are: plain, xavier and he
def __init__(self, input_shape, n_out, ini_type="plain"):
The constructor of the LinearLayer takes the following parameters
input_shape: input shape of Data/Activations
n_out: number of neurons in layer
ini_type: initialization type for weight parameters, default is "plain"
self.m = input_shape[1] # number of examples in training data
# `params` store weights and bias in a python dictionary
self.params = initialize_parameters(input_shape[0], n_out, ini_type) # initialize weights and bias
self.Z = np.zeros((self.params['W'].shape[0], input_shape[1])) # create space for resultant Z output
def forward(self, A_prev):
This function performs the forwards propagation using activations from previous layer
A_prev: Activations/Input Data coming into the layer from previous layer
self.A_prev = A_prev # store the Activations/Training Data coming in
self.Z =['W'], self.A_prev) + self.params['b'] # compute the linear function
def backward(self, upstream_grad):
This function performs the back propagation using upstream gradients
upstream_grad: gradient coming in from the upper layer to couple with local gradient
# derivative of Cost w.r.t W
self.dW =, self.A_prev.T)
# derivative of Cost w.r.t b, sum across rows
self.db = np.sum(upstream_grad, axis=1, keepdims=True)
# derivative of Cost w.r.t A_prev
self.dA_prev =['W'].T, upstream_grad)
def update_params(self, learning_rate=0.1):
This function performs the gradient descent update
learning_rate: learning rate hyper-param for gradient descent, default 0.1
self.params['W'] = self.params['W'] - learning_rate * self.dW # update weights
self.params['b'] = self.params['b'] - learning_rate * self.db # update bias(es)
import numpy as np # import numpy library
class SigmoidLayer:
This file implements activation layers
inline with a computational graph model
shape: shape of input to the layer
def __init__(self, shape):
The consturctor of the sigmoid/logistic activation layer takes in the following arguments
shape: shape of input to the layer
self.A = np.zeros(shape) # create space for the resultant activations
def forward(self, Z):
This function performs the forwards propagation step through the activation function
Z: input from previous (linear) layer
self.A = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-Z)) # compute activations
def backward(self, upstream_grad):
This function performs the back propagation step through the activation function
Local gradient => derivative of sigmoid => A*(1-A)
upstream_grad: gradient coming into this layer from the layer above
# couple upstream gradient with local gradient, the result will be sent back to the Linear layer
self.dZ = upstream_grad * self.A*(1-self.A)
def compute_stable_bce_cost(Y, Z):
This function computes the "Stable" Binary Cross-Entropy(stable_bce) Cost and returns the Cost and its
derivative w.r.t Z_last(the last linear node) .
The Stable Binary Cross-Entropy Cost is defined as:
=> (1/m) * np.sum(max(Z,0) - ZY + log(1+exp(-|Z|)))
Y: labels of data
Z: Values from the last linear node
cost: The "Stable" Binary Cross-Entropy Cost result
dZ_last: gradient of Cost w.r.t Z_last
m = Y.shape[1]
cost = (1/m) * np.sum(np.maximum(Z, 0) - Z*Y + np.log(1+ np.exp(- np.abs(Z))))
dZ_last = (1/m) * ((1/(1+np.exp(- Z))) - Y) # from Z computes the Sigmoid so P_hat - Y, where P_hat = sigma(Z)
return cost, dZ_last
def data_set(n_points, n_classes):
x = np.random.uniform(-1,1, size=(n_points, n_classes)) # Generate (x,y) points
mask = np.logical_or ( np.logical_and(x[:,0] > 0.0, x[:,1] > 0.0), np.logical_and(x[:,0] < 0.0, x[:,1] < 0.0)) # True for 1st & 3rd quadrants
y = 1*mask
return x,y
no_of_points = 10000
no_of_classes = 2
X_train, Y_train = data_set(no_of_points, no_of_classes)
for i in range(10):
print(f'The point is {X_train[i,0]} , {X_train[i,1]} and the class is {Y_train[i]}')
# define training constants
learning_rate = 0.6
number_of_epochs = 5000
np.random.seed(48) # set seed value so that the results are reproduceable
# (weights will now be initailzaed to the same pseudo-random numbers, each time)
# Our network architecture has the shape:
# (input)--> [Linear->Sigmoid] -> [Linear->Sigmoid] -->(output)
#------ LAYER-1 ----- define hidden layer that takes in training data
Z1 = LinearLayer(input_shape=X_train.shape, n_out=4, ini_type='xavier')
A1 = SigmoidLayer(Z1.Z.shape)
#------ LAYER-2 ----- define output layer that takes in values from hidden layer
Z2= LinearLayer(input_shape=A1.A.shape, n_out= 1, ini_type='xavier')
A2= SigmoidLayer(Z2.Z.shape)
costs = [] # initially empty list, this will store all the costs after a certian number of epochs
# Start training
for epoch in range(number_of_epochs):
# ------------------------- forward-prop -------------------------
# ---------------------- Compute Cost ----------------------------
cost, dZ2 = compute_stable_bce_cost(Y_train, Z2.Z)
# print and store Costs every 100 iterations and of the last iteration.
if (epoch % 100) == 0:
print("Cost at epoch#{}: {}".format(epoch, cost))
# ------------------------- back-prop ----------------------------
# ----------------------- Update weights and bias ----------------
# if (epoch % 100) == 0:
# plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict_dec(Zs=[Z1, Z2], As=[A1, A2], X=x.T, thresh=0.5), X=X_train.T, Y=Y_train , save=True)
def predict_loc(X, Zs, As, thresh=0.5):
helper function to predict on data using a neural net model layers
X: Data in shape (features x num_of_examples)
Y: labels in shape ( label x num_of_examples)
Zs: All linear layers in form of a list e.g [Z1,Z2,...,Zn]
As: All Activation layers in form of a list e.g [A1,A2,...,An]
thresh: is the classification threshold. All values >= threshold belong to positive class(1)
and the rest to the negative class(0).Default threshold value is 0.5
p: predicted labels
probas : raw probabilities
accuracy: the number of correct predictions from total predictions
m = X.shape[1]
n = len(Zs) # number of layers in the neural network
p = np.zeros((1, m))
# Forward propagation
for i in range(1, n):
probas = As[n-1].A
# convert probas to 0/1 predictions
for i in range(0, probas.shape[1]):
if probas[0, i] >= thresh: # 0.5 the default threshold
p[0, i] = 1
p[0, i] = 0
# print results
print ("predictions: " + str(p))
Explicit Layers
Implicit Layers
But Why?? 😕
But Why?? 😕
"Instead of specifying how to compute the layer's output from the input , we specify the conditions that we want the layer's output to satisfy"
But Why?? 😕
Recent Years Have seen several Efficient ways to Differentiate through constructs like Argmin and Argmax
then , Backpropagation Requires Gradients
Gould, S. et al. On Differentiating Parameterized Argmin and Argmax Problems with Application to Bi-level Optimization. arXiv:1607.05447 [cs, math] (2016).
But How?? 😕
Differentiating Through Implicit Layers?? 🤔
But Why?? 😕
Differentiating Through Implicit Layers?? 🤔
The Implicit Function Theorem
The Implicit Function Theorem
The Implicit Function Theorem
The Implicit Function Theorem
Then the Implicit function theorem tells ,
The Implicit Function Theorem
Then the Implicit function theorem tells ,
The Implicit Function Theorem
Now , we know that there exists a local function z*,
The Implicit Function Theorem
Now , we know that there exists a local function z*,
The Implicit Function Theorem
The Implicit Function Theorem
The Implicit Function Theorem
Now this can be connected to standard auto diffs tools..
Implicit Layers , Bring In Structure to the layers.
Encode Domain knowledge
Differentiable Optimization
Implicit Layers , Bring In Structure to the layers.
Encode Domain knowledge
Differentiable Optimization
Amos, Brandon, and J. Zico Kolter. 2019. OptNet: Differentiable Optimization as a Layer inNeural Networks.arXiv:1703.00443 [cs, math, stat](14 October 2019). arXiv: 1703.00443
KKT Conditions
"Necessary and Sufficient
Conditions for optimality "
Implicit Form
Implicit Function Theorem
Adrian-Vasile Duka,
Neural Network based Inverse Kinematics Solution for Trajectory Tracking of a Robotic Arm,
Procedia Technology,Volume 12, 2014, Pages 20-27, ISSN 2212-0173,
Abstract: Planar two and three-link manipulators are often used in Robotics as testbeds for various algorithms or theories. In this paper, the case of a three-link planar manipulator is considered. For this type of robot a solution to the inverse kinematics problem, needed for generating desired trajectories in the Cartesian space (2D) is found by using a feed-forward neural network.
Keywords: robotic arm; planar manipulator; inverse kinematics; trajectory; neural networks
Adrian-VasileDuka Showed Training Neural Networks , for inverse kinematics , for a planar 3 link manipulator based on input - end effector coordinates using 1 hidden layer and 100 neurons
We Tried to Simulate Obstacle , by removing a circular region from randomly generated data..
Then Tried Appending the previous architecture with an optnet layer.
We Tried to Simulate Obstacle , by removing a circular region from randomly generated data..
Then Tried Appending the previous architecture with an optnet layer.
But we hit a roadblock..
class Link3IK(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,n,m,p):
z = cp.Variable(n)
self.P = cp.Parameter((n,n))
self.q = cp.Parameter(n)
self.G = cp.Parameter((m,n))
self.h = cp.Parameter(m)
self.A = cp.Parameter((p,n))
self.b = cp.Parameter(p)
self.nn_output = cp.Parameter(3)
scale_factor = 1e-4
self.Ptch = torch.nn.Parameter(scale_factor*torch.randn(n,n))
self.qtch = torch.nn.Parameter(scale_factor*torch.randn(n))
self.Gtch = torch.nn.Parameter(scale_factor*torch.randn(m,n))
self.htch = torch.nn.Parameter(scale_factor*torch.randn(m))
self.Atch = torch.nn.Parameter(scale_factor*torch.randn(p,n))
self.btch = torch.nn.Parameter(scale_factor*torch.randn(p))
self.objective = cp.Minimize(0.5*cp.sum_squares(self.P @ self.z) + self.q @ self.z )
self.constraints = [self.G@self.z-self.h <= 0 , self.A@self.z == self.b]
raise NotImplementedError # include nn_output in the cvxpy problem.
self.problem = cp.Problem(self.objective, self.constraints) = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(2, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 3),
self.cvxpylayer = CvxpyLayer(self.problem, parameters=[self.P,self.q,self.G,self.h,self.A,self.b,self.nn_output], variables=[self.z])
def forward(self, X):
nn_output =
output = self.cvxpylayer(self.Ptch, self.qtch, self.Gtch, self.htch, self.Atch, self.btch, nn_output)[0]
return output
In order to include nn_output , we needed knowledge about convex spaces.. 😔
Maric, F., Giamou, M., Khoubyarian, S., Petrovic, I. & Kelly, J. Inverse Kinematics for Serial Kinematic Chains via Sum of Squares Optimization. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 7101–7107 (2020) doi:10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9196704.
Maric et al ., Casted Inverse kinematics as a sum of squares QCQP problem and solved using a custom solver
We could use that formulation to solve these problems using CVXPYlayers
Based On our understanding....
Maric, F., Giamou, M., Khoubyarian, S., Petrovic, I. & Kelly, J. Inverse Kinematics for Serial Kinematic Chains via Sum of Squares Optimization. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 7101–7107 (2020) doi:10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9196704.
Learning Constraints in the state space
Things like LQE for Starting
Based On our understanding....
Minimize both bias and
variance to achieve optimal predictive performance
High Bias
High Variance
Right balance for optimal performance
cross-validation, and Ensembling
Gradient of loss function w.r.t weights become very small
Prevalent in deeper networks as gradient is propagated through multiple layers making it smaller
Weights in earlier layers do not receive sufficient updates
Activation functions like sigmoid have limited range causing derivatives to be mall for large inputs
Initialising small weights can make the gradients smaller
ReLU, weight initialisation methods
(Xavier Initialisation)
Skip connections,
which allow the gradient to bypass some of the layers and propagate more directly to the earlier layers.
Learn Complex features
Lower layers can learn basic features while higher layers learn abstract features
More discrimination of features
Can filter noise and focus on genaralising patterns