"tags": {
"album": "5403b0c2f5f5680200b45d89",
"song": "5403b0c2f5f5680200b45d91",
"locatorname": null,
"eventtype": "startTrackPlayback",
"artist": "5403b0c2f5f5680200b45d87",
"locatortype": "buttonClick",
"user": null,
"device": "windows-unknown",
"browser": "chrome"
"timestamp": 1427223676.554661,
"host": "localhost",
"message": null,
"time_taken": null,
"client": "UNKNOWN",
"exc_info": null,
"logger": "analytic",
"type": "realtime_api",
"levelname": "INFO"
"_id": ObjectId("55942e2a1a704cc8c3151b90"),
"criteria": "user",
"criteria_value": "5534dce2be48510300d4e5f0",
"day": 5,
"event": "playlistSavePopupOpen",
"label": "123",
"month": 5,
"year": 2015,
"counter": 32,
"ymd": 20150505
def stash_aggregation(song_record)
# / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
# \ \ \ In case you're wondering this is a zip line \ \ \
# / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
for criteria in ('album', 'label', 'artist'):
search_criteria = ({'criteria': inner_criteria_value, 'event': event, 'ymd': ymd})
counter_object = db.stats_counters.find_one(search_criteria)
if counter_object is None:
inserted_id = db.stats_counters.insert({"year": year, "month": month, "day": day, "label": label,\
"ymd": ymd,
"criteria": criteria, "criteria_value": inner_criteria_value,\
"event": event, "counter": 0})
inserted_id = counter_object['_id']
db.stats_counters.update({"_id":inserted_id},{"$inc": {"counter": counter}})
(iso_year, iso_week, iso_day) = datetime.date(year, month, day).isocalendar()
ingest_week(year, iso_week, event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
ingest_month(year, month, event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
ingest_year(year, event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
ingest_alltime(event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
def ingest_week(year, iso_week, event, counter, song, song_label, song_album, song_artist):
search_criteria = ({'event': event, 'year': year, 'iso_week': iso_week})
for (criteria, value) in (('song', song), ('album', song_album), ('label', song_label), ('artist', song_artist)):
search_criteria["criteria"] = criteria
search_criteria["criteria_value"] = value
counter_object = db.stats_counters_week.find_one(search_criteria)
if counter_object is None:
insertion_object = dict(search_criteria)
insertion_object["counter"] = 0
inserted_id = db.stats_counters_week.insert(insertion_object)
inserted_id = counter_object['_id']
db.stats_counters_week.update({"_id":inserted_id},{"$inc": {"counter": counter}})
You want to borrow your neighbours hose so you can wash your car. But you remember that last week, you broke their rake, so you need to go to the hardware store to buy a new one. But that means driving to the hardware store, so you have to look for your keys. You eventually find your keys inside a tear in a cushion - but you can’t leave the cushion torn, because the dog will destroy the cushion if they find a little tear. The cushion needs a little more stuffing before it can be repaired, but it’s a special cushion filled with exotic Tibetan yak hair.
The next thing you know, you’re standing on a hillside in Tibet shaving a yak. And all you wanted to do was wash your car.
mongoimport --db dbname --collection colname --type json --file fname
Not as fast as anticipated but still notable speedup.
ingest_week(year, iso_week, event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
ingest_month(year, month, event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
ingest_year(year, event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
ingest_alltime(event, counter, song_id, song_label, song_album, song_artist)
Lets use the aggregation framework for these.
And also for these
for criteria in ("album", "artist", "label"):
# ...
aggregation_result = db.stats_counters.aggregate([
{"$match": {"event": event, "criteria": criteria, "valid": true}},
{"$match": {"ymd": { "$gte": ymd_from, "$lte": ymd_to},
{"$group":{"_id":"$criteria_value", "sum":{"$sum":"$counter"}}}
for result in aggregation_result['result']:
#print repr(result)
insertion_object = {"counter" : result['sum'], "criteria" : criteria, \
"criteria_value" : aggregation_result['result'][0]["_id"], "event" : event, \
"year" : year, "week": week, "label": "None"}
inserted_id = db.stats_counters_week.insert(insertion_object)
counter_object = db.stats_counters.find_one(search_criteria)
inserted_id = None
if counter_object is None:
inserted_id = db.stats_counters.insert({"year": year, "month": month, "day": day, "label": None,\
"ymd": int("%02d%02d%02d"%(year, month, day)),\
"criteria": criteria, "criteria_value": criteria_value,\
"event": event, "counter": 0, "valid": True, "counter": count})
inserted_id = counter_object['_id']
'event': '%s', 'criteria':'%s', 'criteria_value': '%s', 'ymd': %s},
{ $set: {'year': %s,
'month': %s,
'day': %s,
'label': '%s'
$inc: {'counter': %s}
Changing This
To This
A data frame is a table, or two-dimensional array-like structure,\
in which each column contains measurements on one variable, and each row contains one case.
Data frames are implemented natively have a minimal memory footprint and are blazing fast
Below is a dataframe containing #event_type,user,song,artist,album,date
df = pd.DataFrame() #Containing
Code to store the aggregation results into mongo
for criteria in ('song', 'artist', 'album'):
checkpoint = time.time()
event_counts = df.groupby(['$event', '$' + criteria])['$' + criteria].agg(['count'])
checkpoint = time.time()
for row in event_counts.iterrows():
event = row[0][0]
criteria_value = row[0][1]
count = int(row[1])
insert_into_mongo(event, criteria, criteria_value, count, date_list)
CTO & Cofounder Patari[Pakistans largest Music Streaming Portal]
CTO Active Capital IT[Software Consultancy working with Cataloging, Artwork & Telecom Sectors]