Everything I know about Firefox Devtools
Lets explore about
CSS editor
JS Debugger
Responsive design mode
Network throttling
Network Monitoring
Firefox Dev edition
Page Inspector
Inspect elements
Examine and edit CSS
Examine and edit HTML
reposition elements
View fonts
Viewing the box model
visualize transformations
Using inspector from console
Inspect Animations
Style Editor
Go to tools>web developer> style editor
Add new css, save the css file, remove the css stylings in your page.
Open debugger
setting up breakpoint and conditional breakpoint
pretty-print the source file
Step through code
Web Console
Watch out js logs, errors etc.
view console messages
Access variables
Important commands
copy, clear, inspect, $0
Open scratchpad
Tools> Web Developer> Scratchpad
write your js code
execute it
Memory Lookup
Enable Memory Tab
Take a snapshot
Examine the memory distribution
Storage Inspector
Enable Storage Inspector tab
use console to get and set values in local storage, session storage and indexedDB
Examine the cookie structure and data
Network monitor
Enable Network monitor from settings
study the request params and headers
expand the json tree view and examine data
status messages, urls etc.
Few other simple tools
copy command
Advanced Search
memory tool- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJLoq5E5ww0
storage inspector- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Storage_Inspector
style editor- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7839qc55r7o
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