effective Automation

by Ihor Sosnovskyi


  • Automation pros & cons
  • Considerations for automation
  • Selecting proper tools
  • Before start automating your stuff
  • 6 common test automation mistakes
  • Automation approaches
  • Automation levels
  • Testing levels
  • Continuous integration and delivery
  • Is manual testing still needed? 
  • BDD approach
  • Fast feedback

Automation pros & cons?

To automate or not automate?


  • Eliminates human error
  • Noticeably faster
  • Removes the most boring and repetitive work
  • No manual alternative for testing load and performance
  • Helps to generate pre condition for further manual testing
  • Some test cases can not be manually tested(e.g. 3rd party responses)
  • Manpower and resources involved in regression test are less

Automation pros & cons?


  • Requires lot of efforts at initial stage
  • Requires a higher skill level of team members
  • Requires maintenance Time and Effort
  • Test script debugging is of a serious concern
  • Not suitable for short-term projects

Automation pros & cons?

Considerations for automation

What to automate?

  • High Risk - Business Critical test cases
  • Tests that need to be run against every build/release of the application(smoke test, sanity test and regression test)
  • Test Cases that are very tedious or difficult to perform manually
  • Test Cases which are time consuming
  • Tests cases that are that are hard or impossible to execute manually(e.g. performance, load)
  • Tests that execute the same workflow but use different data for its inputs for each test run e.g. data-driven

considerations for automation

What should not be automated?

  • Tests that you will run only once
  • User experience tests for usability
  • Tests that require ad hoc/random testing based on domain knowledge/expertise – Exploratory Testing
  • Test Cases for which the requirements are changing frequently
  • Test cases which are executed on ad-hoc basis
  • Possibly test cases that is hard to automate
  • Functionally that is going to be deprecated

considerations for automation

Is manual testing still needed?

  • YES!!!
  • It is not feasible to automate all the test cases
  • More likely to find real user issues
  • Non-automatable cases
  • Usability testing
  • Best suited for exploratory, usability and ad-hoc testing
  • Machines are great for running regression tests
  • Human are great for finding new defects

considerations for automation

Selecting proper tools

main factors

  • Technology Under test
  • Scripting language
  • Pricing Policy
  • Tool support(prefer tools that are actively supported, improved)
  • Versatility(supports the type of automated testing you need)
  • Ease of CI/Delivery integration
  • Results generation
  • Platform Compatibility
  • OS Compatibility

selecting proper tools

Other factors

  • Ease of use
  • Ease of Maintenance
  • Functionality
  • Flexibility
  • Tool users and their skill level
  • Automated tests as live documentation
  • Ability to run tests in parallel or against different environment in the same time
  • Ability to execute tests on CI(e.g. run UI tests in headless mode)
  • Requirements traceability

selecting proper tools

Before start automating your stuff

A piece of advice

  • Do not depend on platform being tested code
  • Think about future requirements:
    • parallelisation
    • running against different environments
    • results report generation
    • test data
  • Bigger test frameworks require more coding effort:
    • organizing the code
    • harder to manage
    • makes testing code much harder to understand and maintain
    • requires clear structure
  • Do not invent a new wheel. Try to find existing solution! 
  • Avoid meta programming and other magic stuff

Ensure that ...

  • Test scripts will be reusable 
  • Tests data will be reusable
  • Tests won't depend on shared data(db, files etc)
  • Tests won't use shared resources that other tests may use
  • Testing framework will be built  in a  super simple way(KISS)
  • Do not depend on platform being tested code
  • New testing code will be properly reviewed(both code clarity/correctness and whether scripts test feature properly)
  • "Quick wins" are avoided
  • Coverage duplication is avoided where it is possible

6 common test automation mistakes

  1. Drive testing entirely through the user interface

  2. Ignore the build/test/deploy pipeline

  3. Set up test data through the user interface

  4. Copy/paste your test code

  5. Think of test tooling as a single, large computer program

Testing levels

What to test and on which level?


testing levels

Three-Level Model

testing levels

Unit testing


  • Extremely fast to execute
  • Reliable
  • Easy to troubleshoot


  • Mostly designed by develoers
  • Can be difficult to understand by QAs
  • Testers should have the necessary skills
  • Harder to track test cases coverage
  • Monitoring and control from QA can be required

(Unit Test layer)

API/backend testing

  • Faster preparation
  • More sustainable
  • Requires less updates
  • Faster execution
  • Often most suitable for covering business logic
  • Third party responses can be simulated



  • Debugging can be more complicated 
  • May require understanding of platform code and workflows
  • A bit more complex to create and maintain

testing levels

(Service Layer non-UI)

UI testing

(The cherry on top)

  • Same interface as users use
  • The same test can run against different environments and browser
  • Core customer usage workflows implemented on this level
  • Can actually convince other stakeholders that the system does indeed work



  • Can be technically challenging or impossible
  • Time consuming to run
  • Brittle
  • Expensive to write
  • More difficult to maintain
  • Break more easily

testing levels

Continuous integration/delivery

  • Key to full scale automation
  • Tests are run automatically when
    • Tests are added
    • Code is changed
  • Scheduled test runs
  • Great open source solutions available

BDD Approach

“software that matters”

  • Enough is enough
  • Deliver stakeholder value
  • It’s all behavior
  • Reduced waste
  • Reduced costs
  • Easier and safer changes
  • Faster releases 


BDD APProach

BDD APProach

Disadvantages and potential challenges



  • Requires high business engagement and collaboration
  • Works best in an Agile or iterative context

  • BDD doesn’t work well in a silo

  • Poorly written tests can lead to higher test-maintenance costs



BDD APProach

refactor with confidence

BDD APProach

A bit of advice


"Simplicity always wins in the long term"



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